Friday, April 29, 2011

Coppoletta 4/29

LA: Lesson 10: 2-6, Lesson 11: 7-14
R: None

ALA/AR: None

Crews 4/29

Language Arts: Lesson 8 "Predicate Adjectives & Nouns" w.s. #1-10

Reading: None

Snodgrass 4/29/11

period 1: handout 11-4

periods 2,3,4,5,6: handout 8.2

Urbas - Science 4/29

None for the weekend.

Maass, SS, 4/29

14-2 Section Quiz w.s.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coppoletta 4/28

LA: Complete Take-Home Quiz
R: None

ALA/AR: None

Mesker, 4/28

LA/Per 1- Sentence Diagraming Lesson 6 (#1-9)
Reading/Per2- Lit Role #4 due for Meeting date tomorrow
Math/Per6- 8.1 Handout on Ratios

Crews 4/28

Language Arts: Lesson 6 "Action Verbs & Direct Objects" w.s.

Reading: Finish assigned pages for your book & Lit. Role w.s. #4

Maass, SS, 4/28

14-1 Section Quiz w.s.

Urbas - Science 4/28

Finish the "Naming Constellations" activity.

Snodgrass 4/28/11

period 1: handout 11-3

periods 2,3,4,5,6: handout 8.1

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Crews 4/27

Language Arts: Lesson 3 "Compound Subjects & Predicates" w.s. #4-14

Reading: None

Mesker, 4/26

LA/Per1- Lesson 3 for Sentence Diagramming (#4-14)
Reading/Per2- None
Math/Per 6- Prerequisite Skills Handout

Urbas - Science 4/27

Bring the "Directed Reading" sheets from class today back tomorrow.

Coppoletta 4/27

LA: Complete all of Lesson 9 "Review"
R: Complete Ch. 11-13 ws

ALA: Finish "More Prepositional Phrases" ws
AR: Complete "Figurative Language" ws

Snodgrass 4/27/11

period 1: page 570#20,22,27,28,29

periods 2,3,4,5,6: prerequisite skills handout

Maass, SS, 4/27


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mesker, 4/26

LA/Per1- Sentence Diagram Lesson 2 (#1-11)
Reading/Per2- Lit Role #3 tomorrow
Math/Per 6- Review Packet for test

Snodgrass 4/26/11

period 1: page 570#8-18 evens, solve and check

periods 2,3,4,5,6: review packet, study for chapter 12 test

Maass, SS, 4/26


Urbas - Science 4/26

None today.

Coppoletta 4/26

LA: Dissect & Diagram #9-16 (direct and indirect objects)
R: Complete Ch. 9-10 w.s.

ALA:Dissect & Diagram Adverbs
AR: Selection Quiz

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mrs. Conley 4/25/11

fitness worksheet

Snodgrass 4/25

period 1: handout 11-2 challenge

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 669#7-18 write the words!, and page 671 #39-56 splve and check

Urbas - Science 4/25

Finish the questions from "Observing Circumpolar Constellations".

Mesker, 4/25

LA/Per 1- Sentences Diagram 1-1 (#8-14)
Reading/Per 2- Lit Role #5 meeting on Thursday
Math/per 6- p. 669 (#7-18) and p. 671 (#39-46) Test on Wednesday

Crews 4/25

Language Arts: Simple Subjects & Predicates Lesson 1 w.s. #8-14

Reading: None

Maass, SS, 4/25


Coppoletta 4/25

LA: Dissect & Diagram lessons 2-3 sentences
R: Complete Maniac Ch. 6-8 w.s.

ALA: Complete Dissecting & Diagramming Adjectives sentences
AR: Complete Prometheus clarify w.s.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Language Arts: None

Reading: Read assigned pages for 4/19 (see calendar) & Complete Lit. Role #2

*All due for Meeting #4 Mon, 4/25

Snodgrass 4/21/11

period 1: page 566#20,21-33 multiples of 3, solve and check

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 670#21-28, 31-38 solve and check

Coppoletta 4/21

LA: Finish dissecting & diagramming "Simple Subjects & Predicates" w.s. #8-14
R: None

ALA: Finish dissecting & diagramming "Compound Sentences" w.s.
AR: None

Mesker, 4/21

LA/Per 1- none
Reading/per 2- Lit Role for Meeting on Monday 4/25
Math/per 6- p. 670 (#21-28 and #31-38)

Urbas - Science 4/21

None for the weekend.

Maass, SS, 4/21

Label Map #2

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Snodgrass 4/20/11

period 1: page 566#8-18 evens, solve & check

period 2: NONE!

periods 3,4,5,6: multiply & divide equations handout--will be graded!

Urbas - Science 4/20

None today.

Crews 4/20

Language Arts: None

Reading: Read assigned pages for 4/19 (see calendar) & Complete Lit. Role #2 *All due for Meeting #4 Mon, 4/25

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mesker, 4/19

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- Lit Role due Monday
Math/per6- Multiplication and Division Equation Handout (will be graded)

Please remember money for lunch on our field trip tomorrow

Urbas - Science 4/19

Finish the questions from the "Telescope Lab".

Maass, SS, 4/19

Current Events Project Work Week

Snodgrass 4/19/11

period 1: consecutive integers word problems, bring $ for lunch!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: multiply & divide equations handout--will be graded! Bring $ for lunch!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Crews 4/18

Language Arts: None

Reading: Read assigned pages for 4/19 (see calendar) & Complete Lit. Role #2
*All due Mon, 4/25

Maass, SS, 4/18

Current Events Project Work Day

Urbas - Science 4/18

None today.

Mesker, 4/18

LA/Per1- None Reading/Per2- Lit Role #2 and reading due on Monday 4/25 Math/Per 6- Word Problem handout

Snodgrass 4/18/11

period 1: page 562#20-36 evens periods 2,3,4,5,6: word problems handout

Coppoletta 4/18

LA: None
R: Complete Maniac Ch. 3-4 worksheet

ALA: Study for Sentence Diagramming lessons 1-9 quiz
AR: None

Friday, April 15, 2011

Urbas Science 4/15. None for the weekend


LA/Per1- None Reading/ Per 2- None Math/Per6- p. 648 (#7-22 solve and check)

Maass, SS, 4/15

Label Map #1

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Snodgrass 4/15/11

period 1: page 562 # 8-18, solve and check all equations, quiz on simplifying expressions Monday periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 648#7-22, solve and check all equations, quiz pages 640-650 Monday

Mesker, 4

LA/Per1- Preposition test, students are encouraged to create and use a notecard for the test.
Reading/Per2- Lit Role #1 for Literture Circles
Math/Per6- Division Equation handout

Urbas - Science 4/14

Finish the questions from the lab "Watch it Fly".

Coppoletta 4/14

LA: Study for Prepositions Quest (you may use 1 hand-written note card!)
R: Complete Maniac Magee Anticipation Guide w.s.

ALA: Create your own diagrams + answers
things to include: subject(s) verbs (action and linking), appositives, direct
objects, indirect objects,

Crews 4/14

Language Arts: Prepositions test tom.
*can use a notecard

Reading: Literature Role due tom.
*Literature Circle meeting tom.

Snodgrass 4/14/11

period 1: simplify homework 7 (distribute again!)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: division equations handout, solve and check

Maass, SS, 4/14

Study for Renaissance and Reformation Quiz (Ch. 15)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coppoletta 4/13

LA: "Using Prepositions Correctly" w.s. pgs. 145-146
R: Twitter Book Report due tomorrow

ALA: Finish the "Indirect Objects" lesson #s 1-16
AR: None

Urbas - Science 4/13

Finish the questions and drawings from the "Twist and Shout" lab.

Snodgrass 4/13/11

period 1: simplify homework 6 (distribute & combine) periods 2, 3,4,5,6: solve multiplication equations handout solve AND check, return permission slip with $19

Crews 4/13

Language Arts: None

Reading: Read assigned pages for 4/14 (see calendar) & Literature Role due Fri.
*Literature Circle Meeting Fri.

Maass, SS, 4/13

Ch. 15 Study Guide

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Crews 4/12

Language Arts: "Preposition or Adverb" w.s. p. 143

Reading: Literature Response w.s.
*Be prepared to share for Lit. Circle Meeting #2 tom.

Snodgrass 4/12/11

period 1: simplify handout 5 (distribute & combine), return signed permission slip with $19 periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 642#11-19, 23-26, return signed permission slip with $19

Coppoletta 4/12

LA: Preposition or Adverb w.s. pg. 143
R: Monkey's Paw w.s.

ALA: Sentence diagramming "Review So Far". w.s.
AR: Monkey's Paw w.s.

Mesker, 4/12

LA/Per1- Prepositions handout p. 143 Reading/per2- Lit Circle Literature Response due tomorrow Math/per6- p. 642 (#11-19 and #23-26)

Urbas - Science 4/12

Finish the lab write up from "Swinging Yo-Yo".

Maass, SS, 4/12


Monday, April 11, 2011

Urbas - Science 4/11

Finish the questions from the "Doughy Physics" lab today.

Mesker, 4/11

LA/Per1- Prepositions handout p. 141 (Prepositions test on Friday)
Reading/per2- Lit Circle Reading Response due Wednesday
Math/per6- p. 642 (#5-10) solve and check

Snodgrass 4/11/11

period 1: simplify homework 4 (2 sides!), distribute with fractions, quiz on combining like terms and distributive property, return signed permission slip with $19 (due Tuesday!)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 642 #5-10, solve and check, return signed permission slip with $19 (due Tuesday!)

Crews 4/11

Language Arts: "Writing with Prepositional Phrases" worksheet p. 141

Reading: Literature Circle Response #1 Due Wed.

Maass, SS, 4/11

15-3 Section Quiz w.s.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Coppoletta 4/8

LA: Adverb Phrases ws pg 139-140
R: The Raven questions

ALA: None
AR: The Raven questions

Mrs. Crews

LA: Prepositions, handout p. 139 R: None

Urbas - Science 4/8

Finish your graphs and decide which of the four models is most like your data for Monday from "Light & Dark".

Mesker, 4/8

LA/per1- Prepositions p. 138-140 Reading/per2- None Math/Per 6- p. 638 (#12-20, 26-28, 41-44)

Snodgrass 4/8/11

period 1: simplify hw 3 (distributive with fractions), return signed permission slip with $19 periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 638#12-20,26-28, 41,42,quiz, pages 629-639, return signed permission slip with $19

Maass, SS, 4/8

15-3 Key Terms w.s.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Snodgrass 4/7/11

period 1: simplify homework 2 (distributive), return signed permission slip with $19 (checks are fine!) periods 2,3,4,5,6: addition equations handout, return signed permission slip with $19 (checks are fine!)

Mesker, 4/7

LA/Per 1- Prepositions Handout p.137-138 Reading/Per 2- 1st bookmark for Lit Circle Math/Per 6- Solving Addition Equation Handout and Check Algebraically

Mrs. Crews

LA: Prepositions, handouts 137,138 R: Literature Circles, Bookmark 1

Urbas - Science 4/7

Finish the lab on "What Determines the Color of an Object"?

Maass, SS, 4/7


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mesker, 4/6

LA/Per 1- Preposition worksheet p. 135-136 Reading/Per 2- starting Lit Circles, First Bookmark due Friday 4/8 Math/Per 6- p. 638 (#5-10) no checks (draw out and solve algebraically)

Coppoletta 4/6

LA: Prepositions w.s. pg. 135

R: None

ALA: None

AR: Tell Tale Heart Reflection

Mrs. Crews

LA: Prepositiions: Handouts, P. 135-136 R: Bookmark 1 due Friday

Snodgrass 4/6/11

period 1: combine like terms with fractions handout, return signed permission slip with $19 periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 638#5-10, no checks, draw cups & circles, return signed permission slip with $19

Maass, SS, 4/6

"New Renaissance" w.s.

Urbas - Science 4/6

Finish the questions from the lab "Rose-Colored Glasses".

Monday, April 4, 2011

Snodgrass 4/4/11

period 1: simplify hw 1 (handout), return signed permission slip with $19 (exact change or check) periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 631#2-22 evens, return signed permission slip with $19 (exact change or check)

Urbas - Science 4/4

Finish the questions from "The World's Greatest Telescope".

Mesker, 4/4

LA/Per1- None Reading/Per2- None Math/Per6- p. 631 (#2-22 evens)

Maass, SS, 4/4

"Artists of the Renaissance" w.s.

Coppoletta 4/4

LA/ALA: None

R/AR: Twitter book report due 4/14