Monday, January 31, 2011

Coppoletta 1/31

LA & ALA: Complete p. 107 in Buckle Down Reading Book

R & AR: Be ready for Literature Circle Meeting #5

***AR please note: Meeting #5 has been moved to 2/1!

Mrs. Conley 1/31/11

Digestive system worksheet

Mesker, 1/31

LA/Per1- Finish ERR in Buckle Down workbook
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 26-27 questions
Math/Per6- p. 330 (#8-42 evens), test Wednesday

Urbas - Science 1/31

None today.

Snodgrass 1/31/11

period 1: create flashcards for vocabulary words through word 45 (right triangle)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 330#8-42 evens, you will need about 45 notecards Wednesday

Maass, SS, 1/31

Ancient Rome articles due 2/7

Friday, January 28, 2011

Urbas - Science 1/28

None for the weekend.

Mesker, 1/28

LA/Per1- Buckle Down p. 103-106
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 24-25 questions, 3rd Rebecca Caudill test and project due 2/17
Math/Per6- p. 318 (#9-42 multiples of 3)

Snodgrass 1/28/11

period 1: create flashcards for first 15 vocabulary words

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 318#9-42, multiples of 3, skip #24; you will need about 45 notecards next Wednesday

Coppoletta 1/28

LA: Buckle down wkbk pgs. 103-106
R: RC #3 due 2/17

ALA: Buckle down wkbk pgs. 103-106
AR: RC #4 due 2/17

Maass, SS, 1/28

Roman ABC Mini Poster

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mesker, 1/27

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 22-23 questions, and 3rd Rebecca Caudill test and project due 2/17
Math/per6- p. 311 (#6-42 multiplies of 3), quiz tomorrow

Urbas - Science 1/27

Finish the lab on "Earthquake Search", all questions and calculations.

Snodgrass 1/27/11

period 1: study for Chapter 6 test, bring notecards (you will need about 65 total)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 311#6-42, multiples of 3, quiz pages 291-307, you will need about 45 notecards next week

Coppoletta 1/27

LA: None
R: RC #3 due 2/17

ALA: None
AR: ch. 7-8 and bookmark. Final RC due 2/17

Maass, SS, 1/27

Study for Quiz

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Urbas - Science 1/26

Make sure you bring back the "Earthquake Search" lab to class tomorrow to finish part 2.

Mesker, 1/26

LA/Per1- Buckle Down p. 87-90
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 22-32 Vocab, and 3rd Rebecca Caudill due 2/17
Math/Per6- p. 304 (#3-42 multiples of 3), and QUIZ Friday

Maass, SS, 1/26

Ch. 9 Study Guide

Coppoletta 1/26

LA: Buckle Down Reading wkbk. pg 87-91
* please go back into the passage and show where you found the answer
R: RC #3 due 2/17, Mtg #4 bookmark/pgs.

ALA: Buckle Down Reading wkbk. pg 87-91
* please go back into the passage and show where you found the answer
R: RC #3 due TOMORROW!

Snodgrass 1/26/11

period 1: page 336#6-42 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 304#3-42, multiples of 3

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mesker, 1/25

LA/Per1- Buckle Down p. 77-81
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 12-21 study guide, quiz tomorrow
Math/per6- p. 297 (#2-40 evens) no #36

Urbas - Science 1/25

Finish the questions from "San Andreas Fault".

Coppoletta 1/25

LA: Buckle Down Reading wkbk. pg 77-81
* please go back into the passage and show where you found the answer
R: RC #3 due 2/17, you may start Mtg #4 bookmark/pgs.

ALA: Buckle Down Reading wkbk. pg 77-81
* please go back into the passage and show where you found the answer

Snodgrass 1/25/11

period 1: page330#6-22 evens, quiz pages 316-331

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 297#2-40 evens, skip # 36

Maass, SS, 1/25

Ancient Rome ABC w.s. due tomorrow

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mesker, 1/24

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 16-21 (do not do #8), quiz Wednesday and 3rd Rebecca Caudill due 2/17
Math/Per6- p. 293 (#2-32 evens and #38, #40) quiz Friday

Urbas - Science 1/24

Finish the graph and questions from"Investigating the Speed of Earthquake Waves".

Snodgrass 1/24/11

period 1: page 326#8-34 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 293#2-32 evens, and 38 and 40

Maass, SS, 1/24

9-3 Key Terms w.s.

Coppoletta 1/24

LA: None
R: Meeting #3 pages and Bookmark & RC #3 due 2/17

ALA: None
AR: Ch. 5-6, bookmark & RC #3 due THURSDAY!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Coppoletta 1/21

All Classes: No homework

HOWEVER, I suggest you work on your RC #3 project!

Urbas - Science 1/21

None for the weekend.

Snodgrass 1/21/11

period 1: page 318#10-36 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: fractions handout

Maass, SS, 1/21

U.S. Scale & Latitude/Longitude w.s.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snodgrass 1/20/11

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: review packet, study for chapter 7 test

Mesker, 1/20

LA/Per1- Persuasive Essay Mid-Level revising packet. Finish all
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 12-13 questions
Math/Per6- Review packet for test tomorrow

Maass, SS, 1/20

Ancient Rome ABC (due Jan. 26)

Urbas - Science 1/20

Study for the quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mrs. Conley 1/19/11

skeletal system worksheet

Urbas - Science 1/19

Finish all the questions from the"Richter Scale".

Coppoletta 1/19

LA: Revising a Mid-level essay pgs. 33-34

ALA: Revising a Mid-level essay pgs. 33-34
AR: RC #3 due 1/27

Maass, SS, 1/19

9-2 Key Terms w.s.

Snodgrass 1/19/11

period 1: complete solar system handout (this is Friday's assignment; no new assignment today due to MAPs testing)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 387#10-48 evens

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snodgrass 1/18/11

period 1: complete solar system handout (this was Friday's assignment; no new assignment from today since we were MAPs testing)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: word problems handout (this was Friday's assignment; no new assignment from today since we were MAPs testing)

Urbas - Science 1/18

Bring the "Directed Reading" sheets back to class tomorrow.


LA: Persuasive essay sheets, 27-30

R; MM Worksheets for chapters 10-11, Worksheet p. 33; quiz chapters 1-11
Reading project #2 due 1/20; Accelerated Reader test #2 due 1/20

Mesker, 1/18

LA/Per1- Revising a Low-Level Persuasive Essay p. 27-30
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 10 and 11 handout, Quiz tomorrow, and Rebecca Caudill test and project due Thursday
Math/per6- None

Maass, SS, 1/18

"Compare Family Life" w.s.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Coppoletta 1/14

LA: Final Draft of Persuasive Composition due Tuesday
R: RC #2 due 1/20 & Lit. Circle Meeting #1 pages and bookmark

ALA: Final Draft of Persuasive Composition due Tuesday
AR: RC #3 due 1/27 & The Giver Ch. 1-2 and bookmark

Mesker, 1/14

LA/Per 1- Final Persuasvie Composition due Tuesday
Reading/Per 2- MM ERR on John McNab and 2nd Rebecca Caudill test and project due Thursday
Math/Per6- Handout on fraction word problems.

Snodgrass 1/14/11

ALL CLASSES will meet in the IMC for MAPS testing Tuesday

period 1: complete solar system handout

periods 2,3,4,5,6: word problems hanout

Nino 1/14

Language Arts: none
Reading: Chapter 2 Questions (for Trouble River)

Urbas - Science 1/14

Finish assembling the continent of Pangaea from the clues you draw.

Maass, SS, 1/14

9-1 Key Terms w.s.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snodgrass 1/13/11

period 1: solar system calculations, quiz pages 304-315

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 365#48, 52, page 370#44 show work all problems, quiz pages 362-369


LA: Final Draft of persuasive composition due Tuesday
R: RC #2 due 1/20

ALA: Final Draft of persuasive composition due Tuesday
AR: RC #3 due 1/27

Maass, SS, 1/13

"If You Lived in Ancient Rome" 3, 2, 1

Mesker, 1/13

LA/Per1- Final Persuasive Composition due Tuesday
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 6-8 questions and 2nd Rebecca Caudill due 1/20
Math/Per6- p. 365 (#48 and 52) and p. 370 (#44) show work on all problems, and Quiz tomorrow on dividing fractions and mixed numbers.

Urbas - Science 1/13

Finish the work on "Evidence of Continental Drift". This assignment is due on Tuesday, 1/18.

The spelling bee is also tomorrow, don't forget to study your lists.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mrs. Conley 1/12/11

prepare for the chapter 5 test and folder check

Urbas - Science 1/12

None today.

Mesker, 1/12

LA/Per 1- Final Persuasive Composition due Tuesday 1/18
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapeter 5 questions, and 2nd Rebecca Caudill project and test due 1/20
Math/Per6- p. 369 (#1-16), and quiz Friday


LA 1,3,5: Final draft of persuasive composition due Tuesday, January 17

R 2, 4, 6: MM workwheet for chapter 5

Maass, SS, 1/12

Complete "Our Law Rules"

Snodgrass 1/12/11

period 1: page 314#18-58 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 369#1-16

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Coppoletta 1/11

LA: Revise your persuasive composition
R: RC #2 due 1/20 and complete the guiding question (blue half sheet)

ALA: Revise your persuasive composition
AR: RC #2 due 1/13 and complete the guiding question (white half sheet)

Mrs. Crews

LA 1, 3, 5: Rough draft of persuasive composition

R 2, 4, 6: MM wkshts for chapters 3, 4

Nino 1/11

Language Arts: Finish research for persuasive paper
Reading: Read book

Mesker, 1/11

LA/per1- First Draft of Persuasive composition due tomorrow
Reading/Per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 3-4 handout, 2nd Rebecca Caudill due 1/20
Math/Per6- p. 364 (#13-20 and 34-37), Quiz Friday

Urbas - Science 1/11

Finish mapping the earthquakes and volcanoes from "Plate Tectonics".

Maass, SS, 1/11

Make sure "My Role As" w.s. is complete

Snodgrass 1/11

period 1: page 310#12-42 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 13-20,34-37

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snodgrass 1/10/11

period 1: page 306#34-62 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: multiply fractions review handout, all problems require work, this assignment will be graded

Mrs. Crews

LA 1, 3, 5: Presuasive compositiion rough draft due Wednesday

R 2,4,6: MM Worksheet for MM chaptrs 1,2

Nino 1/10

Language Arts: Finish research (graphic organizer) for Persuasive topic
Reading: Read Book

Urbas - Science 1/10

Bring back the finished "Directed Reading" sheet to class.

Mesker, 1/10

LA/Per1- Make Persuasive Outline into a 5 paragraph compositions, due Wednesday
Reading/per2- Maniac Magee Chapter 1-2 review questions and 2nd Rebecca Caudill due 1/20
Math/Per6- Review Handout on Multiplying fractions and whole numbers.

Maass, SS, 1/10

Rights of Citizens/Code of Laws w.s.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Coppoletta 1/7

LA: Complete Persuasive Outline
R: RC #2 due 1/20

ALA: Complete Persuasive Outline
R: RC #2 due 1/13

Persuasive Outline Help:
Evidence - a fact that PROVES your reason (about 1 sentence long)

Interpretation- say a little more about your evidence ("which means that...) and then relate it to back to your thesis! (about 2 sentences long)
LA 1/3/5: Finish persuasive composition outline

R 2/4/6: MM vocabulary

Maass, SS, 1/7

Study for Monday's Quiz

Snodgrass 1/7/11

period 1: page 303#1-32. show work where necessary

periods 2,3,4,5,6: NONE!

Mesker, 1/7

LA/Per1- Finish Persausive Outline
Reading/per2- 2nd Rebecca Caudill test and project due 1/20 and Maniac Magee Chapter 1-11 vocab sentences due Monday
Math/per6- None

Nino 1/7

Language Arts: none
Reading: Read silent reading book

Urbas - Science 1/7

None for the weekend.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mesker, 1/6

LA/Per1- Write Intro and Conclusion on Persuasive Outline
Reading/Per2- Poetry Book due Friday and 2nd Rebecca Caudill Book due 1/20
Math/Per6- p. 356 (#8-22 evens) and quiz tomorrow

Nino 1/6

Language Arts: none
Reading: "Palace for Shoppers" Comprehension wkst

Urbas - Science 1/6

Finish the questions from "A Model for Continental Drift".

Snodgrass 1/6/11

period 1: study for chapter 5 test!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 356#8-22 evens, quiz pages 341-357

Maass, SS, 1/6

Ch. 8 Study Guide

Coppoletta 1/6

** Thanks for all of the birthday wishes!
LA: WICS your intro & conclusion on the Persuasive outline
R: Poetry Book due tomorrow, RC#2 due 1/20

ALA: None
AR: Poetry Book due tomorrow, RC#2 due 1/13

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mrs. Conley 1/5/11

fitness worksheet

Mesker, 1/5

LA/Per1- None
Reading/per2- Poetry book due Friday, 2nd Rebecca Caudill test and project due 1/20
Math/Per6- p. 351 (#8-26 evens) and Quiz Friday

Nino 1/5

Language Arts: none
Reading: Comprehension Activity (Article and ?s)- "World Remembers Famous Doctor"

Urbas - Science 1/5

None today.

Maass, SS, 1/5

8-2 Vocabulary Overview Guide w.s.

Coppoletta 1/5

LA: None
R: Poetry Book due Friday, RC #2 due 1/20

ALA: None
AR: Poetry Book due Friday, RC #2 due 1/13

Snodgrass 1/5/11

period 1: page 290#6-32 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 351#8-26 evens

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mrs. Conley 1/4/11

update sleep log

Nino 1/4

Language Arts: none
Reading: Sign of the Beaver/Keeping the Promise reviews & 8 similiarities and differences between them

Mesker, 1/4

LA/Per 1- none
Reading/Per2- Poetry book due Friday and 2nd Rebecca Caudill test and project due 1/20
Math/Per 6- p. 343 (#2-13) Quiz Friday

Urbas - Science 1/4

Finish the questions from "Directed Reading" for tomorrow.

Snodgrass 1/4/11

period 1: page 290#7-14, 16-18, quiz pages 284-291

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page343#2-13

Coppoletta 1/4

LA: None
R: Poetry Book due Friday, RC #2 due 1/20

ALA: None
AR: Poetry Book due Friday, RC #2 due 1/13

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mrs. Conley 1/3/11

start sleep log

Coppoletta 1/3

LA: 1 onomatopoeia paragraph (5 sentences and 5 examples) and 1 poetic cryptogram
R: RC #2 due 12/20

ALA: Persuasion is All Around You worksheet
AR: Poetry Book typed- due Friday, RC #2 due 1/13

Mesker, 1/03

Welcome Back!!

LA/Per1- Poetry Book due Friday
Reading/Per2- 2nd Rebecca Caudill AR test and Project Due 2/20
Math/Per6- 7.1 Handout

Urbas - Science 1/3

None today.

Maass, SS, 1/3

"The Founding of Rome" w.s.

Snodgrass 1/3/11

period 1: page 286#5-10, 14-22

periods 2,3,4,5,6: estimate fraction products handout