Friday, December 17, 2010

Mesker, 12/17

Have a wonderful winter break!!!

Please read those Rebecca Caudill books!!!!

Snodgrass 12/17/10


(Third period does not have a test Wednesday after break--it's a mistake on the test schedule!)

Nino 12/17

Have a happy and safe winter break! :)

Nino 12/17

Have a happy and safe winter break! :)

Maass, SS, 12/17

None. Enjoy Winter Break!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crews 12/16

Language Arts: Be ready to present group "Frosty" project

Reading: Pick your next Rebecca Caudill book

*2nd Accelerated Reader Quiz & Project Due 1/20

Snodgrass 12/16/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 268#4-28 evens

Mesker, 12/16

LA/Per1- Frosty Presentations tomorrow
Reading/Per2- 2nd Rebecca Caudill due January 20th
Math/Per6- p. 268 (#2-28 evens)

Nino 12/16

Language Arts: Finish creative writing story
Reading: none

Maass, SS, 12/16


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mrs. Conley 12/15/10

finish vocab. sheet

Crews 12/15

Language Arts: "Frosty" Group Project Due Fri. - Have you completed your assigned job?

Reading: Accelerated Reader Quiz & Book Project Due Tom.

Write 2 Limericks

Nino 12/15

Language Arts: Finish writing graphic organizer
Reading: none

Snodgrass 12/15/10

period 1: page 282#5-16 all, quiz pages 272-283

periods 2,3,4,5,6: NONE!

Maass, SS, 12/15


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snodgrass 12/14/10

period 1: dimensional analysis, day 2

periods: 2,3,4,5,6: review packet (skip # 18), review for test!

Mrs. Conley 12/14/10

Stinky Feet article worksheet due tomorrow

Crews 12/14

Language Arts: Bring materials for "Frosty" project

Reading: Write 2 Hexaduad poems

*Accelerated Reader Quiz & Book Project Due Thur.

Coppoletta 12/14

LA: Bring Frosty materials
R: write 2 hexaduads, RC #1 due THURSDAY!

ALA: Bring Frosty materials
AR: RC #2 due 1/13

Nino 12/14

Language Arts: none
Reading: Finish questions in Sign of the Beaver packet
Book report due tomorrow!

Mesker, 12/14

LA/Per1- Frosty Materials
Reading/Per2- write 3 Hexuad Poems, 1st Rebecca Caudill project and AR test due Thursday
Math/Per6- Review handout for test tomorrow.

Maass, SS, 12/14

Persuasive Presentations tomorrow

Monday, December 13, 2010

Crews 12/13

Language Arts: Bring any materials you need for "Frosty the Snowman" project

Reading: Write 2 Haiku poems

*Accelerated Reader & Book Project Due Thur.

Mesker, 12/13

LA/Per1- Bring Frosty materials
Reading/Per2- Write 2 Haiku Poems and 1st Rebecca Caudill project and test due Thursday
Math/Per6- p. 279 (16-54 evens), test Wednesday

Nino 12/13

Language Arts: none
Reading: Finish question packet for Sign of the Beaver (due Wednesday)
Book Report due Wednesday

Snodgrass 12/13/10

period 1: dimensional analysis homework 1 (handout)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 279#16-54 evens, test Weds

Maass, SS, 12/13

Persuasive Projects due 12/15

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nino 12/10

Language Arts: none
Reading: Book Report due Wednesday

Coppoletta 12/10

LA: None
R: 1 Definition poem, RC #1 due THURSDAY!

ALA: None
AR: RC #1 due MONDAY!

Mesker, 12/10

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- write 1 definition poem and Rebecca Caudil project and AR test due Thursday
Math/Per 6- p.256 (#18-26 evens & #32) Quiz Monday

Snodgrass 12/10/10

period 1: page 270#18-48 evens, skip #42

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 256#18-26 evens, and 32, quiz pages 250-256 Monday

Maass, SS, 12/10

Persuasive Project due 12/15

Crews 12/10

Language Arts: None

Reading: 1 Definition poem

*Accelerated Reader Quiz & Project Due Thur.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mrs. Conley 12/9/10

study for the chapter 1 test tomorrow

Nino 12/9

Language Arts: Verb Test tomorrow (study notecard & study guide)
Reading: Chapter 20-21 ?s and Vocab Sentences due tomorrow

Mesker, 12/9

LA/Per1- Harris Burdick short story and Typed Persuasive letter due tomorrow
Reading/Per2- Write 2 (3-couplet) poems (6 lines each) and 1st Rebecca Caudill AR test and project due 12/16
Math/per6- p. 265 (#4-14 evens)

Crews 12/9

Language Arts: Harris Burdick picture prompt story

*Final Persuasive Letter due tom. (must be typed)

Reading: Write 2 poems (each poem should have 3 couplets)

*Accelerated Reader quiz & Project due 12/16

Maass, SS, 12/9

Persuasive Project due 12/15

Coppoletta 12/ 9

LA: Typed persuasive letter & Harris Birdick story
R: 2 couplets (6 lines each) and RC #1 due next Thursday!

ALA: None
AR: RC #1 due MONDAY!!!

Snodgrass 12/9/10

period 1: page 266#22-56 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 256#4-14evens

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crews 12/8

Language Arts: Final Persuasive Letter Due Fri. *must be typed

Reading: Write 2 Diamante poems (1 of each type)

*Accelerated Reader Quiz & Rebecca Caudill Book Project #1 Due 12/16

Snodgrass 12/8/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 256#3-13 odds

Coppoletta 12/8

LA: Typed, final draft of persuasive letter due Friday!
R: 1 of each type of Diamante poem, RC #1 due 12/16

ALA: 2 haiku, 1 hexaduad, 1 onomatopoeia paragraph
AR: RC #1 due 12/13

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Crews 12/7

Language Arts: Rough draft of Persuasive Letter due tom. *Skip lines

Reading: Write 2 Clerihew poems

* Accelerated Reader Quiz & Rebecca Caudill Book Project Due 12/16

Snodgrass 12/7/10

period 1: none!!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 252#2-28 evens (find lcm for each pair of numbers, you may use prime factorization for all problems if you choose to)

Mesker, 12/7

LA/Per1- First draft of persuausive letter
Reading/Per2- Write 2 Clerihew poems
Math/Per6-p.252 (#2-28 evens)

Coppoletta 12/7

LA: Complete draft of persuasive letter
R: Write 3 Clerihews and RC #1 due 12/16

ALA: Write 2 couplets, 1 definition poem, and 1 poetic cryptogram
AR: Study for Wrinkle quest and RC #1 due 12/13

Maass, SS, 12/7

Persuasive Project due 12/15

Monday, December 6, 2010

Crews 12/6

Language Arts: For students - Persuasive Letter Outline

For parents - Write 3 counteragruments based on your child's 3 reasons given on outline

Reading: Keep reading Rebecca Caudill book

*Accelerated Reader Quiz & Project Due 12/16

Coppoletta 12/6

LA: Outline Persuasive Letter & Parent Counter Argument Homework
R: RC #1 due 12/6

ALA: Write 3 Clerihew, 2 Diamante, and 2-3 Limerick poems
AR: Finish A Wrinkle in Time & RC #1 due 12/13

Mesker, 12/6

LA/Per1- Persuasive Outline with Parent HOMEWORK- (Parents make counter arguement for persuasive topic)
Reading/Per2- Rebecca Caudill project and AR test due 12/16
Math/Per6- None

Nino 12/6

Language Arts: Finish snow writing prompt- underline subject and circle verbs-make sure they agree!
Reading: Chapter 18 ?s
Book Report due 12/15

Snodgrass 12/6/10

period 1: page 262#6-30 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: none! (correct all previous homework assignments!)

Maass, SS, 12/6

Persuasive Projects due Dec. 15

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snodgrass 12/2/10

period 1: page 259 all

periods 2,3,4,5,6: handout 5.2 & 5.3 (will be graded!), quiz pages 230-246, bring inch ruler next week

Mrs. Conley 12/2/10

Emotions worksheet

Nino 12/2

Language Arts: Subject/Verb Agreement wkst #25
Reading: Book Report due 12/15

Mesker, 12/2

LA/Per 1- Persuasive Paragraph due Monday
Reading/Per2- Please read your Rebecca Caudill book and be ready to turn in the AR test and project on December 16th.
Math/Per6- Handout 5.1 and 5.2. Will be checked for a grade.

Maass, SS, 12/2

Finish Plot Diagram w.s.

Coppoletta 12/2

LA :Write out your persuasive paragraph using 3 appropriate transitions
R: RC #1 due 12/16

ALA: None
AR: Wrinkle Ch. 10-11

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nino 12/1

Language Arts: Verb worksheets #23 &31
Reading: Sign of the Beaver Chapter 17 ?s
Book Report due 12/15

Crews 12/1

Language Arts: Outline w.s. for prompt - Should students be given homework over winter break?

Reading: Poetry Quiz tom.

*Keep reading Caudill book - Project #1 & A.R. Quiz Due 12/16

Coppoletta 12/1

LA: Write out Main Idea, 3 supports, and Sum-Up sentence for persuasive paragraph
R: Study for Poetry Quiz, Where the Sidewalk Ends w.s. side 2 (visualization)

ALA: Study for Poetry Quiz, Where the Sidewalk Ends w.s. side 2 (visualization)
AR: Ch. 9

Maass, SS, 12/1


Snodgrass 12/1/10

period 1: study for chapter 4 test!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 245#2-34 evens, quiz pages 230-246

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crews 11/30

Language Arts: None

Reading: "Favorite Season" w.s.

Mesker, 11/30

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- Favorite Season Activity
Math/Per6- p. 238 (#7-16 all)

Mrs. Conley 11/30/10

add 5 stress reducers to your list

Coppoletta 11/30

LA: None
R: Favorite Season w.s. + RC #1 due 12/16

ALA: None
AR: Ch. 8, Favorite Season w.s., and RC #1 due 12/13

Nino 11/30

Language Arts: Worksheets 29&30 (State of Being Verbs)
Reading: Chapter 16 ?s
Book Report due 12/15

Snodgrass 11/30/10

period 1: page 252#2-60 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 238#7-16

Maass, SS, 11/30

Notecards ready to go, presentations tomorrow

Monday, November 29, 2010

Mrs. Conley 11/29/10

parent stress interview

Mesker, 11/29

LA/Per1- Persuasion is All Around Us handout
Reading/Per2- First Rebecca Cuadill project due 12/16
Math/Per6- p. 232 (#8,10,12) and p. 233(#26-48 evens)

Crews 11/29

Language Arts: "Persuasion is All Around You" w.s.

Reading: Keep reading Rebecca Caudill book

*Rebecca Caudill Project & A.R. Quiz Due Dates
1) 12/16
2) 1/20
3) 2/17

Snodgrass 11/29/10

period 1: page 246#21-54m3, quiz pages 234-247

periods 2,3,4,5,6:page 232#8,10,12, page 233#26-48 evens

Coppoletta 11/29

LA: "Persuasion is All Around You" w.s.
R: Rebecca Caudill #1 (RC) due 12/16

ALA: None
AR: Wrinkle Ch. 7 + RC #1 due 12/13

Maass, SS, 11/29


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Crews 11/23

Happy Thanksgiving!

Snodgrass 11/23/10

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Nino 11/23

Language Arts: Finish story starter
Reading: Book report due 12/15

Coppoletta 11/23

Happy Thanksgiving! No homework :o)

Maass, SS, 11/23

None. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Coppoletta 11/22

All Classes: No Homework!

Nino 11/22

Language Arts: none
Reading: Finish Sign of the Beaver Summary wheel
Book report due 12/15

Maass, SS, 11/22


Crews 11/22

Language Arts: None

Reading: "Action Steps to Eliminate Bullying" w.s.

Snodgrass 11/22/10

peiod 1: page 242#15-51, mult 3

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 263#6-24

Friday, November 19, 2010

Coppoletta 11/19

LA: None
R: Finish Bully Beast Project

ALA: Finish Bully Beast Project
AR: Read ch. 6 and study for ch. 1-6 quiz

Maass, SS, 11/19


Nino 11/19

Language Arts: Finish study guide and notecard (Sentence test Monday)
Reading: Book Report due 12/15

Snodgrass 11/19/10

period 1: page 238#21-48 mult 3, quiz pages 222-233

periods 2,3,4,5,6: "how much trim?" extended response

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mrs. Conley 11/18/10

health triangle worksheet

Mesker, 11/18

LA/Per1- Completed Adjective project due tomorrow.
Reading/Per2- Bully animal worksheet
Math/per6- Wear green or gold tomorrow.

Nino 11/18

Language Arts: none -Test on Monday
Reading: Chapter 13 Questions (Book report due 12/15)

Snodgrass 11/18/10

period 1: page 232#14-38 evens, wear green & gold or spiritwear!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: wear green & gold or spiritwear! (no math homework!)

Maass, SS, 11/18

Spartan Extended Reading Response

Crews 11/18

Language Arts: Adjectives Project Due Tom. *Be ready to present

Reading: Finish "Bully Animal" w.s.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mesker, 11/17

LA/Per1- finish symbol
Reading/Per2- None
Math/Per6- p.215 (#14-19, 24-31 estimate, 65-74)

Crews 11/17

Language Arts: Finish symbol for Adjectives project

Reading: None

Coppoletta 11/17

LA: Adjective Project due Friday
R: None

ALA: None
AR: Wrinkle ch. 4

Nino 11/17

Language Arts: Worksheet p. 49 (Sentence test Monday)
Reading: Book Report (due 12/15)

Snodgrass 11/17/10

period 1: page 228#21-48, multiples of 3

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 215#14-19, 24-31 (estimate only), 65-74, study for test!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Crews 11/16

Language Arts: Bring symbol for Adjectives project tom.

Reading: "Card Activity" Response Questions

Mesker, 11/16

LA/Per1- Print out a symbol for the Adjective Project
Reading/Per2- Card Game response questions
Math/Per6- p. 205 (#1-30)

Coppoletta 11/16

LA: Have materials for symbol ready for work day
R: Reflection from card game

ALA: Reflection from card game
AR: Wrinkle Ch. 3-4 Book report due FRIDAY!

Maass, SS, 11/16

Study for Quiz

Snodgrass 11/16/10

period 1: page 224#9-57, multiples of 3

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 205#1-30

Monday, November 15, 2010

Coppoletta 11/15

LA: 50 adjectives that describe you
R: None

ALA: None
AR: Wrinkle ch. 1-2

Snodgrass 11/15/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 209#6-23, 26, 27

Crews 11/15

Language Arts: Finish Adjectives w.s. for "Adjectives that Describe Me" Project

Reading: None

Mesker, 11/15

LA/Per1- Adjective project
Reading/per2- None
Math/Per6- p. 209 (#6-23 and #26, 27)

Nino 11/15

Language Arts: Worksheet #47 & 50 (Test Monday 11/22)
Reading: Chapter 11 ?s (Book Report due 12/15)

Maass, SS, 11/15

Chapter 7 Review Guide

Friday, November 12, 2010

Nino 11/12

Language Arts: Final narratives due Monday
Reading: Survival Book Report due 12/15

Mesker, 11/12

LA/Per1- Non
Reading/Per2- Bimbo response question
Math/per6- Multiplying Decimals handout

Coppoletta 11/12

1st period LA: none

3rd period LA: w.s. pg. 77

R: Bimbo response

ALA/AR: None

Snodgrass 11/12/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: handout 4.3

Maass, SS, 11/12

7-3 Section Summary w.s.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nino 11/10

Language Arts: Finish final draft of narrative (Must be TYPED)
Reading: Vocabulary Flashcards

Mesker, 11/10

LA/Per1- Adjective worksheet p. 75 and 77
Reading/per2- None
Math/Per6- p. 177 (#2-16 evens, and 25-29, and 33-36) Quiz on Associative, Commutative, and Distributive properties on Friday

Coppoletta 11/10

LA: w.s. pg. 75 +77
R: None

ALA: None
AR: ERR revision due Friday, Book Report due 11/19, Buckle Down pgs 77-81

Snodgrass 11/10/10

period 1: page 216#12-36 mult 3, quiz pages 196-216

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 177#2-16 evens, 25-29, 33-36, quiz on properties (pages 169-178)

Maass, SS, 11/10

7-3 Flashcards

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Snodgrass 11/9/10

period 1: page 204#24-48 mult 3, page 208#9-30 mult 3, skip #21

periods 2,3,4,5,6: distributive handout (no computation!)

Crews 11/9

Language Arts: Adjectives w.s. p. 71

Reading: "The Dog of Pompeii" Fact or Nonfact w.s.

Nino 11/9

Language Arts: none (Final draft of narrative due Monday)- IMC tomorrow
Reading: Study for Chapter 1-10 quiz tomorrow (Vocab notecards due Friday)

Maass, SS, 11/9

Read "Alexander" article and write the 5 Ws on the back

Monday, November 8, 2010

Crews 11/8

Language Arts: None

Reading: None

Mesker, 11/8

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- None
Math/per6- Associative and Commutative Property Handout

Coppoletta 11/8

LA: None
R: None

ALA: None
AR: Buckle Down Reading wkbk. pgs. 59-63

Nino 11/8

Language Arts: Finish Narrative conclusion (final draft due Monday)
Reading: Chapter 10 Questions for Sign of the Beaver (Chapter 1-10 quiz on Wednesday)

Snodgrass 11/8/10

period 1: page 198#22-31, estimate only

periods 2,3,4,5,6: properties handout

Maass, SS, 11/8

7-2 Flashcards

Friday, November 5, 2010

Nino 11/5

Language Arts: Write introduction & add to body paragraphs for narratives
Reading: Read new book report book

Mrs. Conley 11/5/10

Prepare for the body systems test and folder check on Monday!

Snodgrass 11/5/10

period 1: page 158#21-39, multiples of 3, solve & check

periods 2,3,4,5,6: Enjoy the extra hour (no math homework!)

Mesker, 11/5

LA/Per1- Nouns quiz on Monday
Reading/per2- None
Math/per6- None

Maass, SS, 11/5

Trimester 1 Extra Credit Quiz
Bring notecards to class on Monday

Crews 11/5

Language Arts: Nouns Quiz Mon.

Reading: None

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mrs. Conley 11/4/10

body systems study guide due tomorrow

Mesker, 11/4

LA/Per1- Plural and Possessive Nouns p. 23 and p.37
Reading/Per2- None :)
Math/Per6- review packet for test tomorrow

Maass, SS, 11/4

Section 1 Summary

Snodgrass 11/4/10

period 1: study for test

periods 2,3,4,5,6: review for chapter 3 test

Crews 11/4

Language Arts: Plural & Possessive Nouns w.s. pgs. 23 & 37 (blue packet)

Reading: None

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mesker, 11/3

LA/Per1- Nouns handout p. 33
Reading/Per2- Read "Arachne" and complete summary handout
Math/Per6- p. 157 (#8-38 evens) Quiz tomorrow, Test Friday

Mrs. Conley 11/3/10

excretory system worksheet

Nino 11/3

Language Arts: Narrative Outline (Setting and Characters)
Reading: Vocab boxes 5-12 (due Friday)

Snodgrass 11/3/10

period 1: page 123#32-49 solve & check, trimester test

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 157#8-38 even

Crews 11/3

Language Arts: Possessive Nouns w.s. p. 33 (blue packet)

Reading: Summarizing Myths w.s. for "Arachne"

*Bring your myth from Social Studies class tom.

Maass, SS, 11/3

7-1 Flashcards

Monday, November 1, 2010

Crews 11/1

Language Arts: Nouns w.s. pgs. 27 & 31 (blue packet)

Reading: Summarizing Myths w.s. for "The Boy Who Flew"

Mrs. Conley 11/1/10

nervous system worksheet

Nino 11/1

Language Arts: Choose top 3 topics for narrative
Reading: Vocabulary Boxes #1-4 (for Sign of the Beaver)
Book Report due 11/3

Mesker, 11/1

LA/Per1- Nouns packet page 27 and 31 only
Reading/Per1- From "The Boy Who flew" Summary handout
Math/per6- p.145 (#6-22 evens and #32,33)

Maass, SS, 11/1

"Drawing Conclusions: Homework Practice" w.s.

Snodgrass 11/1/10

period 1: page 116#8-19, solve & check, quiz pages 104-117

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 145 # 6-22 evens, 32, 33

Friday, October 29, 2010

Crews 10/29

Language Arts: None

Reading: Selection Quiz w.s. p. 13

Coppoletta 10/29

LA: None
R: Complete Thursday's "Selection Quiz" questions

ALA: None
AR: None

Mesker, 10/29

LA/Per1- None (Happy Halloween!!)
Reading/Per2- Selection Quiz for "Bamboo Beads" and "Disobedient Child" Handout
Math/per6- p. 140 (#15-28 all) trimester test on Wednesday

Nino 10/29

Language Arts: Choose top 3 Narrative options
Reading: Book Report due 11/3

Maass, SS, 10/29

All 4 parts of Myth Writing due Monday

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Crews 10/28

Language Arts: Be ready to share your spooky tale! *Final story is to be written on the pumpkin paper

Reading: None

Mesker, 10/28

LA/Per1- Scary story final due tomorrow and be ready to share.
Reading/Per2- None
Math/Per6- p. 132 (#14-32 evens and 445,46,48) and quiz tomorrow

Nino 10/28

Language Arts: none
Reading: Sign of the Beaver Chapter 7 ?s
Book Report due 11/3

Maass, SS, 10/28

Finish Myth Plot Diagram

Snodgrass 10/28/10

period 1: equations handout

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 132#14-32 evens and 45,46,48

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crews 10/27

Language Arts: Spooky Tale Due Fri.

Reading: Greeting Card Project & Take Accelerated Reader Quiz - Due Tom.

*Bring a book to read after L.A. & Reading MAP testing tom.

Mrs. Conley 10/27/10

muscular system worksheet

Coppoletta 10/27 & 10/28

LA: "Just Dessert" Harris Burdick story on pumpkin paper
R: Book Reports DUE TOMORROW!

ALA: "Just Dessert" Harris Burdick story on pumpkin paper
AR: Book Report due 11/19


LA: None
R: Bamboo Beads/Disobedient Child "Selection Quiz" questions

ALA: None
AR: Book Report due 11/19

Snodgrass 10/27/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 132#1-13

Nino 10/27

Language Arts: Add to your life timeline
Reading: Chapter 6 ?s for Sign of the Beaver
Book Report due 11/3

Mesker, 10/27

LA/per1- Write Spooky Tale, final due Friday and please be ready to share.
Reading/Per2- Final Greeting Card project, 2 paragraphs, and AR test all due tomorrow
Math/per6- p. 132 (#1-13 all) Quiz Friday on decimals

Maass, SS, 10/27

Finish "What, How & Why" w.s.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mesker, 10/26

LA/Per1- Revise and write final ERR on Glenn and Robbie
Reading/Per2- "Why Monkeys Live in Tree" Report Card and Greeting Card project and AR test due Thursday
Math/per6- p. 127 (#2-32 Evens) #32 is a guided reading problem, not multiple choice. Answer all the parts to #32.

Crews 10/26

Language Arts: Final "Glenn & Robbie" ERR Due Tom. *optional

Reading: Greeting Card Project & Take AR Quiz-Both Due Thur.

Snodgrass 10/26/10

period 1: page 106#18-30 evens, quiz pages 92-103

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 127#2-32 evens

Nino 10/26

Language Arts: none
Reading: Book Report due 11/3

Maass, SS, 10/26

Ch. 6 Take Home Quiz

Coppoletta 10/16

LA: Final draft of "Glenn and Robbie" ERR
R: Greeting Card Book Report & AR due Thursday

ALA: None
AR: Book Report due 11/19

Monday, October 25, 2010

Snodgrass 10/25/10

period 1: page 102#12-32 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 121#2-38 evens

Coppoletta 10/25

LA: Personal Narrative due TOMORROW! Rewrite Glen & Robbie ERR
R: Book Report due Thursday & Character Trait Report Card

ALA: None
AR: Movie vs. Text w.s.

Crews 10/26

Language Arts: Final Narrative Composition Due Tom., Redo Compare & Contrast ERR for a better grade *This is optional.

Reading: Report Card worksheet

*Greeting Card Project & Take AR Quiz-Due Thur.

Mrs. Conley 10/25/10

Digestive system worksheet (both sides)

Nino 10/25

Language Arts: none
Reading: Sign of the Beaver- Chapter 5 Questions

Maass, SS, 10/25


Friday, October 22, 2010

Mesker, 10/22

LA/Per1- Typed or Nicely written personal narrative due Tuesday
Reading/Per2- Greeting card project and AR test due 10/28
Math/Per6- Decimal Concept #5 handout

Nino 10/22

Language Arts: none
Reading: Book Report 11/3

Snodgrass 10/22/10

period 1: page 98#6-38 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: decimal concepts handout 5, bring textbook Monday, bring metric ruler Tuesday

Crews 10/22

Language Arts: Final Narrative Composition Due Tue, 10/26 (typed or handwritten)

Reading: Work on project *Greeting Card & AR Quiz Due Thur, 10/28

Maass, SS, 10/22

Finish 6-1 GRR/RRG

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Coppoletta 10/21

LA: Personal Narrative Due Tuesday! Study for Parts of Speech Quiz
R: Buckle Down Workbook pgs. 38-42 #1-7

ALA: Idioms w.s.
AR: Book Report due 11/19!

Mesker, 10/21

LA/Per1- Parts of Speech quiz tomorrow, Typed/written narrative composition due Tuesday
Reading/Per2- Buckle Down workbook p. 31-44, Greeting Card project and AR test due 10/26
Math/Per6- Decimal Concept handout #4

Snodgrass 10/21/10

period 1: read pages 92-93, do page 94#10-34 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: decimal concepts handout 4, bring textbook beginning Monday, metric ruler Tuesday
6-1 Vocabulary Overview Guide w.s.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mesker, 10/20

LA/Per1- Be ready to present your "Parts of Speech" lesson
Reading/Per2- Greeting Card project and AR test due Thursday 10/28
Math/Per6- Decimal Concept #3

Snodgrass 10/20/10

period 1: study for test (pages 130-153)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: decimal concepts handout 3

Maass, SS, 10/20


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nino 10/19

Language Arts: Finish study guide & notecard (Adjective Test on Friday)
Reading: Sign of the Beaver Chapter 3 Questions

Crews 10/19

Language Arts: Tomorrow is the last work day for the "Teacher for a Day" group project

*Final Narrative Composition Due Tue, 10/26

Reading: Keep reading your book for the project *AR Quiz & Greeting Card Project Due Thur, 10/28

Coppoletta 10/19

LA: Personal Narrative due 10/26
R: Greeting Card Book Report due 10/28

ALA: "Writing with Prepositions" and "Preposition or Adverb" w.s.
AR: Finish "7th Grade" letter writing activity.

Snodgrass 10/19/10

period 1: page 160#1-22, quiz pages 144-153

periods 2,3,4,5,6: decimal concepts handout 2

Mesker, 10/19

LA/Per1- Bring materials for in class activity if needed. Written or Typed narrative due Tuesday 10/26
Reading/Per 2- Keep reading your novel for the Greeting Card project. Due 10/28
Math/Per6- Decimal Concept handout #2

Maass, SS, 10/19


Monday, October 18, 2010

Crews 10/18

Language Arts: Final Narrative Composition Due Tue, 10/26 (typed or handwritten)

Reading: Study for Taking Sides Final Quiz Tom.

*Bring your book for the project tom.

Mesker, 10/18

LA/Per1- Typed or nicely written narrative composition due 10/26
Reading/Per2- Taking Sides final quiz tomorrow, Gretting Card project and AR test due 10/28
Math/Per6- Decimal Concpet handout #1

Coppoletta 10/18

LA: Final, typed draft of Personal Narrative due 10/26
R: Study for Taking Sides quiz + Greeting Card Book report due 10/28

ALA: Adverb Phrase w.s.
AR: Finish reading "7th Grade" and complete comp. questions (on back of vocab)

Nino 10/18

Language Arts: Adjective worksheet #20 (Test on Friday)
Reading: Chapter 1 &2 Questions of Sign of the Beaver
Book Report due 11/3

Snodgrass 10/18/10

period 1: page 152#12-48 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: decimal concepts handout 1

Maass, SS, 10/18

Unit 1 Project due tomorrow

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mesker, 10/15

LA/Per1- Write conclusion to personal narrative
Reading/Per2- Buckle Down reading p. 152-156
Math/Per6- None

Coppoletta 10/15

LA: Draft your conclusion
R: Buckle Down wkbk pgs. 152-156, Book Report due 10/28!

ALA: "Summing It Up" w.s. "Adjective Phrase box only
AR: "7th Grade" vocabulary w.s.

Nino 10/15

Language Arts: Finish picture writing (Circle 10 adjectives and draw arrow to noun it describes)
Reading: Book Report (due 11/3)

Maass, SS, 10/15

Unit 1 Project due Tuesday

Crews 10/15

Language Arts: Conclusion paragraph (Write in your blue Narrative Composition packet)

Reading: Buckle Down Reading workbook pgs. 152-156

*Keep reading your book - Greeting Card project & AR Quiz Due 10/28

Snodgrass 10/15/10

period 1: page 148#22-58 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: NONE!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Snodgrass 10/14/10

period 1: page 148#22-58 evens, due Monday!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: NONE!

Nino 10/14

Language Arts: Worksheets #18 & 19
Reading: Book Report due 11/3

Mesker, 10/14

LA/Per1- None

Reading/Per2- Venn Diagram (compare similarties and differences between Roy and Lincoln) and keep reading your novel and Greeting Card graphic organizer

Math/Per6- Be ready for the MAPs math testing.

Coppoletta 10/14

LA: Fix body paragraphs
R: Complete Taking Sides Venn Diagram

ALA: Prepositions "Summing It Up" w.s.
AR: 7th Grade vocab w.s.

Maass, SS, 10/14

Unit 1 Project due Tues.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mrs. Conley 10/13/10

study for the chapter 5 test tomorrow

Coppoletta 10/13

LA: Write out body paragraphs on a separate sheet of paper
R: Finish reading Ch. 12-13 + Book report due 10/28!

ALA: Personal Narrative typed - due Friday
AR: None

Crews 10/13

Language Arts: Write 3 body paragraphs for narrative composition
*on looseleaf paper & skip lines

Reading: Finish reading Taking Sides (ch. 12 & 13) & Cause & Effect w.s.

Maass, SS, 10/13

Timeline Activity due tomorrow

Snodgrass 10/13/10

all classes: NONE!!

Mesker, 10/13

LA/Per1- Write body paragraphs on a loose leaf paper and please skip lines
Reading/Per2- Finish reading the Taking Sides novel and complete the Cause and Effect handout
Math/Per6- None :)

Nino 10/13

LA: Possessive Adjective worksheet
Rdg: Definitions for first 5 vocab words for Sign of the Beaver

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mrs. Conley 10/12/10

finish the chapter #5 study guide

Coppolett 10/12

LA: Fill out the body paragraphs graphic organizer (the one with 7 boxes) you DO NOT have to WICS!
R: Ch. 11 cause/effect worksheet. Keep up with Greeting Card Book report!

ALA: Be ready to type your personal narrative tomorrow
AR: None

Crews 10/12

Language Arts: Finish graphic organizer w.s. for body paragraphs (Narrative Composition packet)

Reading: Taking Sides Ch. 7 Cause & Effect w.s.

*Keep reading your book for the project!

Mesker, 10/12

LA/Per1- Narrative body paragraphs graphic organizer
Reading/Per2- Taking Sides Chapter 11 Cause and Effect worksheet
Math/Per6- review handout for TEST tomorrow

Snodgrass 10/12/10

period 1: page 142#36-52 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: review packet, study for chapter 2 test, bring ruler!

Maass, SS, 10/12

Finish Unit 1 Review w.s.
(Timeline Activity due Thursday)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Snodgrass 10/8/10

period 1: page 142#14-34 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 106#6-17, 25-30, bring ruler! (For # 12-15, use the given scale to find the actual length of wall if the drawing length is 192mm, as in the example on the bottom of page 107.)

Crews 10/8

Language Arts: Revise and rewrite introduction paragraph for narrative composition
*Write on looseleaf paper & skip lines

Reading: Keep reading for your book for project
*Greeting Card Project & Accelerated Reader Quiz Due 10/28

Nino 10/8

Language Arts: Proper Adjectives worksheet
Reading: none

Mesker, 10/8

LA/Per1- Rewrite the introduction on a loose leaf piece of paper and please skip lines
Reading/Per2- Keep reading for your novel for your Greeting Card project
Math/Per6- p. 106 (#6-17 and 25-30)

Maass, SS, 10/8

Study for Ch. 3 Quiz

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Snodgrass 10/7/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 101#18-28 evens, quiz pages 94-103, bring ruler, test Wednesday (chapter 2)

Mrs. Schuyler 10/7

Language Arts (1st period) – Answer questions on p. 43
Reading (3rd period) – Main Idea worksheets pgs. 7 & 21
Math (8th period) – word problems p. 112

Crews 10/7

Language Arts: Complete introduction paragraph page in narrative composition packet

Reading: Taking Sides ch. 9-10 comprehension questions w.s.

Mesker, 10/7

LA/per1- Write introduction to personal narrative, Revise graded narrative paragraph for Tuesday
Reading/Per2- Taking Sides Chapter 9-10 questions
Math/per6- p. 101 (#18-28 evens), quiz tomorrow

Nino 10/7

Language Arts: Identifying & Using Articles Worksheet
Reading: Pull out story elements (parts) of "Storm-A-Dust"

Maass, SS, 10/7

Ch. 3 Study Gudie

Coppoletta 10/7

LA: Complete "Introduction" sheet in your Personal Narrative packet
R: Taking Sides ch. 9-10 comprehension questions

ALA: Draft your introduction and body paragraphs
AR: Watsons Project due Tuesday

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nino 10/6

Language Arts: Identifying adjectives wkst

Reading: none

Crews 10/6

Language Arts: Revise Narrative Graphic Orgranizer w.s. (if needed)

Reading: Finish Buckle Down Reading workbook pgs. 140-151

Mesker, 10/6

LA/Per1- revise Narrative graphic organizer if needed
Reading/Per2- Keep reading your novel and completing the Greeting Card project
Math/per6- p. 101 (#4-14 evens)

Maass, SS, 10/6

IMC Timeline Assignment due Oct. 13

Snodgrass 10/6/10

period 1: page 136 # 14-38 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 101 # 4-14 evens, bring ruler Friday

Coppoletta 10/6

LA: Revise Personal Narrative graphic organizer (if needed)
R: Keep up with your book report (due 10/28)

ALA: Pick your Personal Narrative Topic and complete the graphic organizer
AR: Bring project materials (Due 10/12)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mrs. Conley 10/5/10

finish vocabulary sheet

Snodgrass 10/5/10

period 1: page 132#12-56 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: median, mode, range handout

Mrs. Schuyler 10/5

Language Arts (1st period) – Topic sentence worksheet p. 22
Reading (3rd period) – Main idea worksheet p. 28
Math (8th period) – Division word problem worksheet p. 84

Maass, SS, 10/5

Time Zone Practice w.s.

Coppoletta 10/5

LA: Pick your personal narrative topic & fill out the graphic organizer
1. Tell the story of when you faced a fear
2. Tell the story of when you learned from a mistake you made
3. Tell the story of when you overcame a great challenge.
R: Keep reading your book report book. Project due 10/28!

ALA: Read "The Mistake" and fill out the plot sequence graphic organizer
AR: Select a Watsons project and bring whatever materials you'll need for the in-class work days.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Snodgrass 10/4/10

period 1: graphing project due tomorrow!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: correct page 95 (#4-15, 17-24)!

Coppoletta 10/4

LA: Read 3 Little Pigs and complete Plot structure graphic organizer
R: Book report due 10/28

ALA: None
AR: None

Crews 10/4

Language Arts: Narrative worksheet using the story "The Three Little Pigs"

Reading: Keep reading your book for new project

Mesker, 10/4

LA/Per1- "3 Little Pigs" Narrative graphic organizer
Reading/Per2- Please keep up on reading you Novel and completely the Greeting Card notes worksheet.
Math/Per6- None, Quiz Friday.

Maass, SS, 10/4

3-4 Vocabulary Overview Guide w.s.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mesker, 10/1

LA/per1- Buckle Down Writing p. 150-151 if not finished in class.
Reading/Per 2- Reading Project due October 28th, and read Chapter 7 of Taking Sides and complete Journal worksheet
Math/per 6- p. 95 (#4-15, and 17-24) QUIZ Monday

Crews 10/1

Language Arts: Buckle Down Writing workbook pgs. 150-151 (if not finished in class)

*Choose 1 of the following topics to answer the questions:
Pick a time when you...
1) Faced a fear
2) Learned from a mistake
3) Overcame a challenge

Reading: Taking Sides Ch. 7 Vocabulary w.s.

*Keep reading your book for A.R. and Greeting Card project - Due 10/28

Coppoletta 10/1

LA: Complete Buckle Down Writing pgs. 150-151
R: Taking Sides Ch. 7 Journal & KEEP UP WITH YOUR BOOK REPORT reading!

ALA: Complete your part of the "Formatting Your Story" w.s.
AR: Read Ch. 15 & complete the comprehension questions

Snodgrass 10/1/10

period 1: graphing project due Monday

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 95#4-15, 17-24

Maaass, SS, 10/1

3-3 Section Quiz w.s.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Crews 9/30

Language Arts: None

Reading: Choose a book for the new project by tomorrow *Book check tomorrow

*Book must be an Accelerated Reader

Coppoletta 9/30

LA: None
R: Start reading your book for the Greeting Card Book Report!

ALA: None
AR: Reading Watsons Ch. 13-14 and complete the comprehension questions

Mesker, 9/30

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- Bring Fiction novel for tomorrow's class
Math/Per 6- p. 74 (#1-14)

Snodgrass 9/30/10

period 1: graphing project, graphing quiz

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 74#1-14

Maass, SS, 9/30

3-3 Vocabulary Overview Guide w.s.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mrs. Schuyler 9/29

Language Arts (1st) – Predicate worksheet p.10 and expanding sentences worksheet p. 12
Reading (3rd) – Book Report journal due tomorrow.
Math (8th) – none
*** All missing work is due tomorrow!

Mesker, 9/29

LA/Per1- Narrative Paragraph due tomorrow
Reading/Per2- book check out tomorrow, bring new idea card
Math/Per6- p. 70 (#35,36,37,39,42)

Snodgrass 9/29/10

period 1: page 42#5-21

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 70#35,36,37,39,42, show work for all problems!

Maass, SS, 9/29

3-2 Section Quiz w.s.

Coppoletta 9/29

LA: Finish typing your Narrative Paragraph if you didn't in class today
R: None

ALA: None
AR: Read Watsons Ch. 11-12 and complete Ch. 11-12 questions

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mrs. Schuyler 9/28

Language Arts (1st) – Predicate worksheet p. 9
Reading (3rd) – Sequencing worksheet p. 9. Book report journal due Thursday.
Math (8th) – Finish addition word problems worksheet p. 2

Crews 9/28

Language Arts: Revise & Edit Narrative Paragraph- *Be ready to type tomorrow

Reading: Taking Sides ERR quiz tom.

Coppoletta 9/28

LA: using your "Peer Evaluation", rewrite a rough draft your narrative paragraph about your best/worst day on a separate sheet of lined paper
R: Study for your Taking Sides Ch. 1-6 ERR quiz

ALA: None

Mesker, 9/28

LA/Per1- Edit and Revise narrative paragraph, be ready to typw tomorrow
Reading/Per 2- Taking Sides extended reading reponse quiz tomorrow
Math/per6- p. 68 (#2-20 evens, do area and perimeter on all problems)

Snodgrass 9/28/10

period 1: graphing project

periods 2,3,4,5,6: p. 68#2-20 evens (perimeter and area for #6-14!)

Maass, SS, 9/28

3-2 Vocabulary Overview Guide w.s.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Crews 9/27

Language Arts: Narrative Paragraph worksheet

Reading: Finish Taking Sides Ch. 1-6 Review worksheet

Mesker, 9/27

LA/Per 1- Narrative Paragraph worksheet (box sheet)

Reading/Per 2- Taking Sides chapter notes worksheet, Quiz Wednesday

Math/Per 6- Perimeter Handout.

Snodgrass 9/27/10

period 1: page 22#8,12,13

periods 2,3,4,5,6: perimeter handout (2 sides!)

Maass, SS, 9/27

Finish 3-1 Guided Reading and Review

Coppoletta 9/27

LA: Complete Narrative Paragraph graphic organizer (green) WICS!
R: Start studying for Taking Sides Ch. 1-6 Quiz

ALA: None
AR: Ch. 9-10 + questions

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coppoletta 9/23

LA: Buckle Down Writing pgs. 17-18
R: None

ALA: Buckle Down Writing pgs. 17-18
AR: Watsons ch. 8 and questions

Crews 9/23

Language Arts: Buckle Down Writing workbook pgs. 16-18

Reading: Finish Character Analysis w.s. for Taking Sides

Snodgrass 9/23/10

period 1: page 6#5-31

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 63#17-28, 35-38, bring ruler (metric and customary) Monday

Mrs. Schuyler 9/23

Reading – discussion questions for “Arthur's Thanksgiving Emergency.” Book report journal due September 30.
Language Arts – none
Math - none

Mesker, 9/23

LA/Per1- Buckle Down writing p. 14-15 and p. 17-18
Reading/Per2- Taking Sides Character Traits worksheet
Math/Per5- p. 63 (#17-28 and 35-38)

Maass, SS, 9/23

Latitude/Longitude worksheet

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Coppoletta 9/22

LA: None (we finished Buckle Down in class!)
R: Taking Sides Ch. 5-6 comprehension questions

ALA: None (we finished Buckle Down in class!)
AR: Read Watsons Ch. 6-7 and complete the comprehension questions

Mesker, 9/22

LA/Per1- Buckle Down reading workbook pages 19-22
Reading/Per2- Taking Sides Chapter 5-6 questions
Math/per6- p. 58 (#1-15)

Snodgrass 9/22/10

period 1: read & review pages 10-13, 24-27, 35-38, 44-47

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 58#1-15

Maass, SS, 9/22

Study for Ch. 2 Quiz

Crews 9/22

Language Arts: Buckle Down Reading workbook pgs. 19-22

Reading: Taking Sides ch. 5-6 comprehension questions w.s.

*Plot & Response w.s. due tom.!
*More reading conferences tom. (if you have not meet with me yet)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mrs. Schuyler 9/21

Language Arts – worksheet p. 7 (on the top part do only the subject and do NOT do the last section)
Reading – none
Math – none (in class review today and tomorrow for Thursday's chapter 1 test)

Mrs. Conley 9/21/10

Finish fitness worksheet

Crews 9/21

Language Arts: Revise & Rewrite the "Best After School Activity" Extended Reading Response (ERR)

Reading: Prepare your questions for the reading conference tom., Plot & Response w.s. due Thur.

Snodgrass 9/21/10

period 1: page 186#33-53, test pages 162-177

periods 2,3,4,5,6: chapter 1 review handout, study for chapter 1 test

Maass, SS, 9/21

Ch. 2 Study Guide

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mrs. Conley 9/20/10

finish fitness vocabulary worksheet

Crews 9/20

Language Arts: "Best After School Activity" Extended Reading Response w.s.

Reading: Taking Sides Ch. 5-6 Vocabulary w.s.

*Reading conferences continue Wed. & Fri.
*Plot & Response w.s. for book project due Thur.

Coppoletta 9/20

LA: Extended Reading Response (ERR) What is the BEST activity to do after school?
R: Taking Sides Vocabulary w.s. Ch. 5-7
* This is a preview of the words. Come up with you OWN definition of what the word means using context clues from the sentences provided

ALA: Extended Reading Response (ERR) What is the BEST activity to do after school?
AR: Finish reading Watsons Ch. 3 and complete the comprehension questions

Mesker, 9/20

LA/Per1- The best after-school activity ERR (Extended Reading Reponse handout)
Reading/Per2- Taking Sides vocabulary Chapters 5 and 6 (practice using context clues)
Math/Per6- p. 48 (#12,14,15 and 18-48 evens) and p. 51 #34, Test Wedneday

Snodgrass 9/20/10

period 1: page 176#26-52 evens, quiz pages 170-177

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 48#12,14,15,18-48 evens, page 51#34

Maass, SS, 9/20

2-3 Section Quiz w.s.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mrs. Conley 9/17/10

finish wordsearch

Crews 9/17

Language Arts: None

Reading: Finish Taking Sides questions ch. 1-4

Coppoletta 9/17

LA: None
R: None

ALA: None
AR: Finish Watsons ch. 1-2 and questions

Mrs. Schuyler 9/16

Language Arts (1st period) – none
Reading (3rd period) – Book report journal due Sept. 30
Math (8th period) - none

Maass, SS, 9/17

"Practice the Skill" w.s. (only #1-7)

Snodgrass 9/17/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 43#15,17,18,20 write facts/need/ plan/ solve/ answer in a sentence for each

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crews 9/16

Language Arts: Review study guide for Smiley Face Tricks quiz tomorrow

Reading: Taking Sides discussion questions for ch. 1-2 only
*Prepare your questions for reading conferences tom.
*Bring your book & Plot and Response sheet to class.

Smarty Pants Fri. starts tom.!

Coppoletta 9/16

LA & ALA: Study for your Smiley Face Tricks Quiz (use the study guide!)
R: Plot/Response worksheet DUE!

AR: Watsons Ch. 1-2 questions due MONDAY!

Mesker, 9/16

LA/Per1- Smiley Face Tricks quiz tomorrow

Reading/Per2- Taking Sides Chapter 1 and 2 questions due Tomorrow. Please be ready to conference with your teacher on your Fiction novel

Math/Per6- p. 43 (#12,13,14). Please remember to use out problem solving method. Refer to handouts for a review.

Mrs. Conley 9/16/10

study for chapter 1 test tomorrow

Maass, SS, 9/16

Finish 2-2 Section Quiz w.s.

Snodgrass 9/16/10

period 1: page 172#26-54 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 42#12,13,14

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mrs. Schuyler 9/15

Language Arts (1st period) – worksheet p. 13 and spelling unit 2 and sentences due Friday
Reading (3rd period) – independent reading book should be read and reading log complete on Sept. 30
Math (8th period) - none

Snodgrass 9/15/10

period 1: page 168#18-75, multiples of 3

periods 2,3,4,5,6: problem solving handout (2 sides!), quiz pages 21-38

Mrs. Conley 9/15/10

finish study guide

Coppoletta 9/15

LA: In your spiral notebook write about a VERY embarrassing moment. Please use at least 2 examples EACH of humor & hyphenated modifiers. Please circle your examples! Your story should be about 1 page long!

R: Complete the Taking Sides Ch. 1-2 comprehension questions.
Independent Reading book & Plot Response w.s. due FRIDAY!

ALA: In your spiral notebook write about a VERY embarrassing moment. Please use as many
smile face tricks as you can. Try to incorporate full circle ending and humor. Brownie points
for Exploded Moment! Please identify your smiley face tricks! Your story should be about 1
page long!

AR: Keep reading your independent book!

Crews 9/15

Language Arts: Write about an embarrassing moment (true or fiction).
*Include 2 hyphenated modifiers
*1 paragraph in length

Smiley Face Tricks quiz on Fri.

Reading: Keep reading your book. Conferences continue on Fri. Prepare your questions and answers!

Mesker, 9/15

LA/Per1- Write a paragraph about a time you were embarrassed. Use two Hypenated Modifers. Quiz Friday
Reading/Per2- None, but please keep reading your fiction novel and write in your Plot and Response Journal
Math/Per 6- Problem Solving handout, Quiz tomorrow

Maass, SS, 9/15


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mrs. Schuyler 9/14

Language Arts (1st period) – 7 complete sentences on “sentence elaboration” sheet
Reading (3rd period) – none
Math (8th period) – worksheet p. 1-10

Crews 9/14

Language Arts: Write about a time you felt ________ .
*Choose an adjective to fill-in-the blank.
*Include at least 4 smiley face tricks: 2 examples of Repetition for Effect & 2 Figurative Language
*Story should be written in your l.a. notebook and about 1 page long

Reading: "The Bike" questions

**Read your book. Conferences continue on Fri. Prepare your questions!

Mesker, 9/14

LA/Per1- A Time I Felt . . . prompt. Use two Repition for Effect and two Figurative Language in your story. (Quiz Friday)
Reading/Per2- My Bike questions and keep reading you Fiction Novel
Math/Per6- p. 37 (#2-28 evens) quiz Thursday

Snodgrass 9/14/10

period 1: page 164#24-33,35

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 37#12-28 evens

Coppoletta 9/14

LA: Smiley Face Tricks Writing Prompt:
Write about a time when you felt _________. (fill in the blank with ANY adjective!)
Please include at least 2 examples EACH of repetition for effect & figurative languagee
Your story should be about 1 page long.
R: Keep reading. Plot Response sheet due FRIDAY!!!

ALA: Smiley Face Tricks Writing Prompt:
Write about a time when you felt _________. (fill in the blank with ANY adjective!)
Please include at least 5 smiley face tricks using examples of repetition for effect &
hyphenated modifiers, and alliteration and assonance.
Your story should be about 1 page long.
AR: Keep reading!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mrs. Schuyler 9/13

Language Arts (1st period) – Spelling Unit 2 and sentences due Friday
Reading (3rd period) – none
Math (8th period) – worksheet p. 4

Crews 9/13

Language Arts: Super Hero prompt - Choose a super hero power and write a story about it.
*Write in your spiral notebook.
*Include 5 smiley face tricks - Magic 3 or Specific Detail

Reading: Taking Sides Ch. 1-2 vocab w.s.
*Read your book. Conferences continue on Fri.

Coppoletta 9/13

LA: Super-Hero Prompt
If you could have any one of these powers, which one would you choose:
1. Super-Human Strength
2. The Ability to Fly
3. Invisibility
*Write a short story using at least five examples of The Magic Three and Specific Detail
R: Keep reading and complete Taking Sides vocabulary w.s.

ALA: Super-Hero Prompt
If you could have any one of these powers, which one would you choose:
1. Super-Human Strength
2. The Ability to Fly
3. Invisibility
*Write a short story using at least five examples of The Magic Three and Specific Detail
AR: Keep reading!

Mesker, 9/13

LA/Per1- Superhero prompt
Reading/Per2- Taking Sides Chapter 1-2 vocab handout
Math/Per6- p. 31 (#3-42 mulitples of 3)

Snodgrass 9/13/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 31 # 3-42, multiples of 3

Maass, SS, 9/13

2-1 Key Term w.s.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mrs. Conley 9/10/10


Crews 9/10

Language Arts: Finish journal entry or news article about Amelia Earhart (1 paragraph)

Reading: Read book for project

*Plot & Response worksheet due 9/23
*Reading conferences continue next week!

Mesker, 9/10

LA/Per 1- Finish autobiography or article for Monday.
Reading/Per2- Keep reading your Fiction Novel and fill out the Plot and Response Journal
Math/Per6- Handout 1.4

Snodgrass 9/10/10

period 1: study for test (chapter 2, part I--up to page 90)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: handout 1.4, will be graded!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Crews 9/9

Language Arts: None

Reading: "First in Flight" comprehension questions, Reading conferences start tomorrow. Prepare your questions!

*Keep reading your book & filling out the Plot and Response wkst (Due 9/23)

Mrs. Conley 9/9/10


Coppoletta 9/9

LA: None :)
R: "First in Flight" comprehension questions (green sheet), be prepared for your reading conference tomorrow, and keep reading + plot response sheet

ALA: None:)
AR: Keep reading & be prepared for your reading conference tomorrow!

ALL CLASSES: Be sure that all of your old homework assignments have been turned in!

Mrs. Schuyler 9/9/10

Language Arts (1st period) – none
Reading (3rd) – Inferencing worksheet p. 12. Bring book report book tomorrow.
Math (8th period) – Problem Solving worksheet 1-8

Mesker, 9/9

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- First in Flight Comprehension questsions, and be ready to conference on your fiction novel tomorrow.
Math/Per6- p. 23 (#12-23)

Snodgrass 9/9/10

period 1: page 90 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 23#12-23

Maass, SS, 9/9

Ch. 1 "Did You Know" mini poster (due Mon)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mesker, 9/8

LA/Per1- Complex sentences handout p. 19, Compound and Complex quiz tomorrow
Reading/Per2- Read Fiction novel and keep working on Plot and Response Journal
Math/per6- fix or correct any problems from last night homework (p.23, #3-11)

Coppoletta 9/8

LA: Complex sentences w.s. & Study for quiz!
R: Keep reading & plot response sheet

ALA: Complex sentences w.s. & Study for quiz!
R: Keep reading & plot response sheet

Crews 9/8

Language Arts: Complex sentences worksheet p. 19

*Quiz tomorrow on compound and complex sentences

Reading: Keep reading your book & working on the Plot and Response w.s.

*Reading conferences start on Fri.! Prepare your questions.

Mrs. Conley 9/8/10


Snodgrass 9/8/10

period 1: none!

Periods 2,3,4,5,6: correct last night's assignment (page 23#3-11)

Maass, SS, 9/8

Study for Chapter 1 Quiz

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Snodgrass 9/7/10

period 1: page 88#20-40 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 23#3-11

Mrs. Conley 9/7/10

finish the stress article worksheet

Crews 9/7

Language Arts: Poster worksheet- Compound Sentences

Reading: Keep reading your book/Work on Plot and Response worksheet

Coppoletta 9/7

LA per 1 & ALA: "Posters" w.s.

LA per 3: None

R & AR: Keep reading!

Maass, SS, 9/7

Chapter 1 Study Guide w.s.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Mrs. Conley 9/3/10

parent stress interview

Mesker, 9/3

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- Read Fiction novel and work on Plot and Response Journal
Math/Per6- None, but fix Powers and Exponent homework if needed

Snodgrass 9/3/10

period 1: page 84#20-40 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,6: NONE!!

Coppoletta 9/3

LA & ALA: None

R: Keep reading + Plot/Response Log due 9/17

AR: Boy Comp ?s + Keep reading

Crews 9/3

Language Arts: None

Reading: Read your book, *Plot & Response worksheet due 9/23

Maass, SS, 9/3

1-2 Section Quiz w.s.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mrs. Conley 9/2/10

finish 1.2 worksheet

Mesker, 9/2

LA/Per1- Rewrite Word SnapShot paragraph to include 1 compond and 1 complex sentence
Reading/Per2- The Fun of It Comprehension Questions and bring your Response Journal and fiction novel to class tomorrow
Math/Per6- p. 17 (#2-40 evens) and Quiz tomorrow

Maass, SS, 9/2


Coppoletta 9/2

LA: Complete final draft of Snapshot paragraph
R: "The Fun of It" Comprehension questions (yellow sheet)
Be prepared for independent reading book conference!

ALA: Complete final draft of Snapshot paragraph!
AR: "Boy" Comprehension questions (white sheet)
Be prepared for independent reading book conference

Snodgrass 9/2/10

period 1: page 80#26-58 evens, quiz pages 60-73

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 17 # 2-40 evens, quiz pages 3-17

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mrs. Conley 9/1/10

finish worksheets

Crews 9/1

Language Arts: Buckle Down Writing workbook pgs. 51 & 52

Reading: Read book (*Book check Fri.) & Start Plot and Response worksheet for your book

Snodgrass 9/1/10

period 1: page 72#8-36 evens (#20-24 evaluate each side!)

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 13#14-24 all, 45

Mesker, 9/1

LA/Per1- Buckle Down p. 51-52
Reading/Per2- Read Fiction novel and work on Plot/Response Journal
Math/Per6- p. 13 (#14-25 all and #45)

Maass, SS, 9/1

1-2 Vocabulary Overview Guide w.s.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Coppoletta 8/31

LA: Revise paragraph for elaboration
R: Keep reading you book + plot response sheet due 9/17

ALA: Buckle Down wkbk. pg. 52
R: Keep reading you book!

Mrs. Conley 8/31/10

health triangle worksheet

Mesker, 8/31

LA/Per1- Revise paragraph for elaboration
Reading/Per 2- Choose and read Fiction novel for Friday
Math/per6- p. 13 (#2-13), quiz on Friday

Snodgrass 8/31/10

period 1: page 66#14-52 evens, write problem and answer

periods 2,3,4,5,6: page 13#2-13, write original problem, show work

Crews 8/31

Language Arts: Revise Word Snapshot paragraph for Elaboration

Reading: Read book, *Book check on Fri. (bring to class)

Maass, SS, 8/31

Finish 1-1 Guided Reading and Review w.s.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mrs. Conley 8/30/10

Letter to self worksheet (everyone in 6th period needs to complete this, some people in 7th period did not get the sheet and will receive it tomorrow)

Coppoletta 8/30

LA & ALA: Snapshot Paragraph

R & AR: None

Mesker, 8/30

LA/Per1- Word Snapshot paragraph
Reading/per2- Choose fiction novel by Friday
Math/Per6- p. 6-7 (#1-4, 29-38, 50-54 show work), and bring back signed parent letter

Maass, SS, 8/30

1-1 Vocab Overview Guide w.s.

Snodgrass 8/30/10

period 1: page 62#10-46 evens, write problem, work , answer

periods 2,3,4,5,6: return signed rules letter; page 6 (and 7) #1-4, 29-38 (write problem, describe pattern, answer), 50-54 (show work)

Crews 8/30

Language Arts: Word Snapshot paragraph-write in l.a. notebook, at least 5 sentences

Reading: Choose book for project by Fri.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mrs. Conley 8/27/10

coat of arms due Monday

Mesker, 8/27

LA/Per1- Word Snapshot due Monday
Reading/Per2- Summer of Fire questions
Math/Per6- None

Have a wonderful sunny weekend!!! ;)

Snodgrass 8/27/10

period 1: return signed rules letter

periods 2,3,4,5,6: NONE!!

Maass, SS, 8/27

"Meet New Justice" Current Events w.s.

Crews 8/27

Language Arts: Finish Word Snapshot artwork & Bring outline on Mon.

Reading: "Summer of Fire" Questions worksheet

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Snodgrass 8/26/10

all classes: NONE!!

Mrs. Schuyler

Language Arts – none
Reading – Write your own conclusion for “Jungle Adventure.”
Math – place value worksheet p.9

Coppoletta 8/26

LA & ALA: Bring any supplies you need to work on your Word Snapshot

R & AR: None

Mesker, 8/26

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- None
Math/Per6- None

Crews 8/26

Language Arts: None

Reading: Bring signed parent letter

Maass, SS, 8/26

"China Rolling Bus" 5 Ws

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Coppoletta 8/25

LA & ALA: Word Snapshot outline

R & AR: None (unless you have not turned in your parent signature)

Snodgrass 8/25/10

all classes: write no more than 5 rules for the perfect classroom (not your "dream class"!)

Crews 8/25

Language Arts: Finish outline for Word Snapshot

Reading: Bring in signed parent letter

Maass, SS, 8/25

Student Survey

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Coppoletta 8/24

All Classes: Parent letter signature due by Friday

Maass, SS, 8/24

Signed Parent Letter (by Friday)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Snodgrass 5/27/10

period 1: handout 9-4B

periods 2,3,4,5,8: scale drawing of solar system (universe is a very big place)

Maass, SS, 5/27


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mesker, 5/26

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- none
Math/Per5- Amusement Park Scale drawing handout

Coppoletta 5/26

No Homework :)

Maass, SS, 5/26


Nino 5/26

Math: none

Snodgrass 5/26/10

period 1: handout 9-4A, surface area of prisms

periods 2,3,4,5,8: amusement park scale drawing

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mrs. Conley 5/25/10

Study for the body system test!

Nino 5/25


Snodgrass 5/25/10

period 1: handout 9-3

periods 2,3,4,5,8: handout 8.7

Crews 5/25

Language Arts: Wed. Presenters - Be ready for your speech!

Reading: None

Coppoletta 5/25

LA: Speeches

R: None

AR: None

Maass, SS, 5/25

Positive Comment Classmate w.s.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mesker, 5/24

LA/Per1- Speech/Presentation Tuesday and Wednesday
Reading/Per2- SSR reading project due Tuesday
Math/Per5- Handout 8.5 and 8.6

Nino 5/24

Math: none

Snodgrass 5/24/10

period 1: handout 9-1 & 9-2

periods 2,3,4,5,8: handout 8.5 & 8.6

Crews 5/24

Language Arts: Prepare for your speech - Tue. or Wed.

Reading: Final Book Project Due Tom. - Scrapbook or What If?

Maass, SS, 5/24

Finish 17-4 Section Quiz w.s.
Ch. 17 Open Note Quiz tomorrow

Friday, May 21, 2010

Coppoletta 5/21

LA/ALA: Typed outline and bibliography due Monday

R: Book report due Monday

AR: None

Snodgrass 5/21/10

period 1: NONE!

periods 2,3,4,5,8: handout 8.4, quiz proportions & scale drawings

Nino 5/21

Math: none

Maass, SS, 5/21


Crews 5/21

Language Arts: Typed Outline (2 copies) & Bibliography Due Mon.

Reading: Book Project Due Tue. - Scrapbook or What If?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Coppoletta 5/20

LA/ALA: Outline and Bibliography due Monday

R: Book Report due Monday

AR: None

* Remember to pack a lunch for tomorrow and bring a rain jacket!

Mesker, 5/20

LA/Per1- Speech outline and bibliography due Monday. Be ready go give your speech on Monday
Reading/Per2- SSR book report project
Math/Per5- 8.4 Practice Handout

Nino 5/20

Math: Finish probability spinner and 5 questions

Maass, SS, 5/20

17-3 Section Quiz w.s.

Crews 5/20

Language Arts: Typed Outline (2 copies) & Bibliography for Demonstration Speech Due Mon.

Reading: Final Book Project Due Tue. - Scrapbook or What If?

*Don't forget your lunch for the field trip tomorrow!

Snodgrass 5/20/10

period 1: none!

periods 2,3,4,5,8: handout 8.4 (2 sides!), quiz 8.3 & 8.4 (proportions & scale drawings) Monday

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mesker, 5/19

LA/Per1- Speech outline and bibliography due Monday
Reading/Per2- SSR book project due Monday
Math/Per5- p. 419 (#4-16 all) on a handout but please show work in your notebook

Coppoletta 5/19

LA / ALA: Typed outline and bibliography due Monday

R: Book report due Monday

AR: Community Share tomorrow!

Nino 5/19

Math: Probability & Combinations quiz tomorrow!

Snodgrass 5/19/10

period 1: study for chapter 11 test

periods 2,3,4,5,8: page 419 # 4-19 (on handout)

Maass, SS, 5/19

Finish 17-3 Guided Reading and Review w.s.

Crews 5/19

Language Arts: Typed outline (2 copies) & bibliography due Mon.

Reading: Book Project Due Tue., 5/25 (Scrapbook or What If?)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mrs. Conley 5/18/10

digestive system worksheet

Mesker. 5/18

LA/Per1- Speech outline and bibliography due Monday
Reading/Per2- SSR reading project due Monday
Math/Per5- Proportions handout

Snodgrass 5/18/10

period 1: page 596#4-44 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,8: handout 8.3 (2 sides)

Coppoletta 5/18

LA/ALA: Speech outline and bibliography due next Monday

R: Book Report due next Monday

AR: Community Share Projects start on Thursday!

Nino 5/18

Math: Combinations worksheet

Maass, SS, 5/18

Finish 17-2 Section Quiz w.s.

Crews 5/18

Language Arts: Typed outline & bibliography for speech due Mon., 5/24

Reading: Work on book project - Due Tue., 5/25

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mrs. Conley 5/17/10

respiratory system worksheet

Coppoletta 5/17

LA/ALA: Typed Outline and Bibliography due next Monday!

R: Book Report due next Monday

AR: Community Share due Wednesday

Nino 5/17

Math: none

Maass, SS, 5/17

Current Events Projects due Tuesday and Wednesday

Mesker, 5/17

LA/Per1- typed outline and bibliography all due Monday 5/24
Reading/per2- final book report project due Monday 5/24
Math/Per5- p414 (#15-22, 24-31, and 46)

Snodgrass 5/17/10

period 1: page 588#8-13 solve & graph

periods 2,3,4,5,8: page 414#15-22, and 24-31 no mental math, use cross products for all problems

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nino 5/14

Math: none

Crews 5/14

Language Arts: Finish Steps 1-4 in Demonstration Speech Packet

Reading: Read & Work on Book Project - Due 5/25

Snodgrass 5/14/10

period 1: page 584#20,21-36 multiples of 3

periods 2,3,4,5,8: page 405#29-33, page 410#32, quiz pages 405-411

Maass, SS, 5/14


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Crews 5/13

Language Arts: Finish Steps 1 & 2 in Demonstration Speech Packet

Reading: Read Book for Project - Due 5/27

Snodgrass 5/13/10

period 1: page 584#8-18 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,8: page 409#1-27

Coppoletta 5/13

LA: Steps 1-4 in Speech packet due Monday

R: Book report due 5/24

ALA: None

AR: Meeting #5 section and bookmark

Nino 5/13

Math: Probability Word Problems worksheet

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crews 5/12

Language Arts: Note cards for Speech Due Tom.

Reading: Draw and Color Image for "The Walrus and the Carpenter"

Snodgrass 5/12/10

period 1: page 580#21-39 multiples of 3

periods 2,3,4,5,8: page 404#2-24 evens

Maass, SS, 5/12

Label Europe Map #4

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Coppoletta 5/11

LA / ALA: Keep research organized

R: book report due 5/24

AR: Meeting #4 selection and bookmark

Nino 5/11

Math: Ordered Pairs Review Worksheet (Quiz tomorrow)

Mesker, 5/11

LA/Per1- Keep researching for your "How To" speech
Reading/Per2- Read your SSR book and keep work on the project
Math/Per5- Chapter 8 Prerequisite skills handout

Snodgrass 5/11/10

period 1: page 580#8-18 evens, solve & graph, quiz pages 568-577

periods 2,3,4,5,8: pre-requisite skills (chapter 8) handout

Maass, SS, 5/11

Study for Ch. 16 and Map #3 Quiz

Monday, May 10, 2010

Coppoletta 5/10

LA / ALA: Keep your research materials organized. Bring a baggie and notecards tomorrow!

R per 2: Sandcastle questions

R per 4: None

AR: Be prepared for a reading day tomorrow

Mesker, 5/10

LA/Per1- Please start your research for your speech
Reading/Per2- All Summer in a Day response questions
Math/Per5- Review Handout for test tomorrow

Snodgrass 5/10/10

period 1: page 576#12-34 evens

periods 2,3,4,5,8: chapter 12 review packet, study for ch 12 test

Nino 5/10

Math: Ordered Pair Picture-Write out your picture's ordered pairs

Crews 5/10

Language Arts: None

Reading: "All Summer in a Day" Response

Maass, SS, 5/10

Ch. 16 Study Guide

Friday, May 7, 2010

LA / ALA: Bring baggie, notecards, and flash drive to start research

R per 2: Book report due 5/24 (details on my blog)

R per 4: Book report 5/24 (details on my blog)

AR: Meeting #3 on Monday!

Nino 5/7


Snodgrass 5/7/10

page 570#15-29 odds, and 30

periods 2,3,4,5,8: page 669# 7-46 all

Everyone: Be nice to MOM!

Maass, SS, 5/7

16-3 Section Quiz w.s.

Crews 5/7

Language Arts: Bring 30 note cards on Mon.

Reading: Pick Book for Project

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Coppoletta 5/6

LA / ALA: Illustrate your idiom (one sentence and one picture)

R per 2: None

R per 4: Add to Tollbooth map

AR: Meeting #2 bookmark

Nino 5/6

Math: Ordered Pairs Worksheet

Snodgrass 5/6/10

period 1: page 570#20-32 evens (solve only)

periods 2,3,4,5,8: page 648#7-22 all, quiz pages 640-650

Maass, SS, 5/6

Finish 16-2 Section Quiz w.s.

Crews 5/6

Language Arts: Bring 30 note cards for Mon.

Reading: "Sand Castle" w.s. p. 64

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mrs. Conley 5/5/10

study and prepare for the chapter 5 test and folder check tomorrow

Mesker, 5/5

LA/Per1- None
Reading/Per2- "Fun They Had" questions
Math/per5- Division Equation Handout, quiz Friday

Nino 5/5

Math: It's In the Stars Graphing wkst

Snodgrass 5/5/10

period 1: page 570#8-18 evens, solve & check, quiz pages 558-567

periods 2,3,4,5,8: division equations handout (2 sides)

Coppoletta 5/5

LA/ALA: None

R per 2: The Fun They Had comprehension questions

R per 4: Add to Tollbooth visualization map

AR: continue reading lit circle book

Crews 5/5

Language Arts: Bring English workbook tom.

Reading: "The Fun They Had" w.s. p. 57

Maass, SS, 5/5

Finish 16-2 Guided Reading and Review w.s.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mrs. Conley 5/4/10

finish study guide

Coppoletta 5/4

LA / ALA: Study for Preposition's Test (make a notecard)

R per 2: None

R per 4: Add to Phantom Tollbooth Visualization Map

AR: Meeting #1 selection and bookmark

Mesker, 5/4

LA/Per1- Preposition test tomorrw, students can use a notecard
Reading/Per2- none
Math/Per5- Multiplication Equation Handout

Nino 5/4

Math: Graph 6 points on your graph (0,2), (6,-1), (-4,3), (3,-2), (-7,3), & (5,-4)