Friday, February 29, 2008


LA / ALA - 2nd draft due Tuesday

R: Vocab puzzle

AR: read ch. 14-17

Gabriel 2/29

LA: Persuasive Rough Draft Due Tue.

Rdg: Tuck ch. 20-22 vocab, ISAT lessons 33 & 34 (#1-3)

Casey, SS, 2/29

"Intro to the Middle Ages/Barbarian Invasions" w.s.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Consumer Education, February 28, 2008

Babysitting Packets are due Friday, February 29th.

Section 5: Routines to Know (Meals and Bedtime)
Section 6: Routines to Know (Bathtime)
Section 7: Emergencies
Section 9: Am I an Expert Now?

Mrs. Bretl

Gabriel 2/28

LA: Work on Persuasive Composition Rough Draft, *Due Tue., 3/4

Rdg: Tuck ch. 17-19 vocab

Mesker, 2/28

LA/Per1- 1st draft of persuasive due Tuesday
Reading/Per2- Tuck Chap 17-19 vocab
Math/Per30 Measuring Angles Handout
Math/Per4- 7-4 practice or worksheet k
Resource/Per6&8- None

Casey, SS, 2/28

Study for Ch. 10 Quiz

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gabriel 2/27

LA: Persuasive Outline

Rdg: "Write Back" Letter

Mesker, 2/27

LA/Per1- Outline for persuasive prompt
Reading/Per2- P.S. Write Back Letter
Math/Per3- complete all notecards
Math/Per4- Worksheet J or Circumference Handout
Resource/Per6&8-Persuasive Preview due tomorrow

Casey, SS, 2/27

Ch. 10 Study Guide

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


LA / ALA: Creative Reasoning w.s.

R: AR test #3

AR: AR test #3 and finish reading Ch. 11

Mesker, 2/26

LA/Per1- Creative Reasoning worksheet
Reading/Per2- Chapter 14-16 questions
Math/Per3- Complete first 7 vocab flashcards
Math/Per4- worksheet I or Handout 7-1 page#1
Resource/Per6&8- Persuasive Preview due Thursday

Gabriel 2/26

LA: Creative Reasoning wkst

Rdg: Tuck ch. 14-16 ?s, *All AR assignments due tom.

Mrs. Conley 2/26/08


Casey, SS, 2/26

"The 5 Pillars" w.s.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Mrs. Conley 2/25/08



LA / ALA: 1/2 sheet on argument

R: Finish reading ch. 18-20

AR: Finish reading ch. 10, complete vocab and questions w.s.

* AR #3 due WEDNESDAY!

Gabriel 2/25

LA: "Athletes" Writing Prompt

Rdg: Tuck ISAT ERR, *All AR Assignments Due Wed.

Casey, SS, 2/25

10-3 "Reading Readiness Guide" w.s. (just the "Me" column)

Friday, February 22, 2008


LA / ALA: Poetry book!!!!

R: AR #3 due, read, read!

AR: Memory & Prediction w.s.
AR #3 due Wednesday

Gabriel 2/22

LA: Poetry Book Due Mon.
*Include: Title Page, Table of contents, 10 Poems (10 pages)

Rdg: Tuck Vocab ch. 14-16
*Last AR Test (or optional Book Report) Due Wed., 2/27

Mesker, 2/22

LA/Per1- Typed Poem Book due Monday
Reading/Per2- Tuck Chap 14-16 vocab and 3rd Rebecca Caudill AR test due Wed.
Math/Per3- p. 303 #12-44 evens and #45, 47, 48
Math/Per4- None
Resource/per6&8- none

Casey, SS, 2/22

10-2 Vocabulary Overview Guide w.s.

*Monday is the last day I'll accept any missing work from the Roman Learning Stations

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Gabriel 2/21

LA: Poetry Book Due Mon., 2/25

Rdg: Tuck Quiz Tom. (ch. 7-13)

Mrs. Conley 2/21/08



LA / ALA: Poetry book due 2/25


AR: read ch. 9, answer questions, "You're hired" activity

Casey, SS, 2/21


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gabriel 2/20

LA: Poetry Books Due Mon., 2/25

Rdg: Per. 2, 4 - Tuck Questions ch. 10-13
Per. 6 - Tuck Quiz Fri. (ch. 7-13)

Coppoletta 2/20

LA / ALA: Poetry book due NEXT MONDAY!!!

R: None

AR: read ch. 9, answer questions, and "You're Hired" activity

Mesker, 2/20

LA/Per1- Poetry Unit Book due 2/25
Reading/Per2- Chap 10-13 questions Quiz Fri
Math/per3- p.294 (10-26 evens)
Math/Per4- None
Resource/Per6&8- None

Mesker, 2/19

LA/Per1- Poetry Unit Book due Mon 2/25
Reading/Per3- Chapter 10-13 vocab
Math/Per3- p. 294 (10-26 evens)
Math/Per4- none

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mrs. Conley 2/19/08

Study! Body systems test and folder check tomorrow!

Casey, SS, 2/19

(Per. 3-6)
10-1 Vocab w.s.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Coppoletta 2/15

LA / ALA: Write a paragraph story using onomatopoeia

R: Candy Bar Activity

AR: Study for quiz

Gabriel 2/15

LA: 5 sentence paragraph (include 3 Onomatopoeias)

Rdg: Tuck Vocab Ch. 10-13, *Keep reading R.C. book (3rd book Due 2/27)

Mrs. Conley 2/15/08

Complete body system study guide if you need to finish.
Start studying for the test on Wednesday!

Casey, SS, 2/15

Ancient Rome Learning Stations Work due Tuesday

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mesker, 2/14

LA/Per1- Write 2 Limricks
Reading/Per2- Tuck Chap 7-9 questions
Math/Per3- p. 290 (16-48 multiples of 4)
Math/Per4- None

Coppoletta 2/14

LA: Write 2 Limericks

ALA: Write 3 Limericks

R: Study for MM quiz

AR: Finish ch. 6

Mrs. Conley 2/14/08

Nervous system worksheet

Gabriel 2/14

LA: 2 Limerick Poems

Rdg: Tuck Ch. 7-9 Questions

Casey, SS, 2/14

Rome Stations Work due Feb. 19

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


LA / ALA: Write for ORIGINAL hyperboles

R / AR: None

Mesker, 2/13

LA/Per1- Write 4 Hyperboles
Reading/Per2- Tuck Chap 7-9 vocab with sentences
Math/Per3- p. 287 (#15-48 multiplies of 3)
Math/Per4- worksheet F or Quiz tomorrow
Resource/Per6&8- Math Extended Response

Gabriel 2/13

LA: 4 Hyperboles (include explanations)

Rdg: Tuck Vocab Ch. 7-9 (incl. 1 sentence for each word-on back)

Mrs. Conley 2/13/08

excretory system worksheet

Casey, SS, 2/13

Ancient Rome Learning Stations due Feb. 19

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mrs. Conley 2/12/08

digestive system worksheet


LA / ALA: Write 2 Hexaduads

R: MM comprehension questions

AR: Finish reading chapter 4

Gabriel 2/12

LA: 2 Hexaduad Poems (minimum 6 lines each), *Test corrections Due Tom.

Rdg: Tuck Quiz Tom. (Pro-Ch.6)

Mesker, 2/12

LA/Per1- Write 2 Hexaduads (6-10 lines each)
Reading/per2- Tuck Quiz #1 Wed
Math/Per3- None but quiz Friday
Math/Per4- Study Guide for Quiz Thurs or Worksheet E
Resource/Per6&8- Math ISAT Extended Response due Thurs

Casey, SS, 2/12

Ancient Rome Learning Stations work due Feb. 19

Monday, February 11, 2008

Coppoletta 2/11/08

LA / ALA: Write 2 Haiku poems

R: MM Extended response - pick one question to answer

AR: Read Ch. 2

Mesker, 2/11

LA/Per1- Write 2 Haiku Poems
Reading/Per2- Tuck chap 4-6 questions
Math/Per3- p. 282 (#10-24 evens)
Math/Per4- worksheet D or 7-3 practice #19-30 quiz tomorrow
Resource/Per6&8- None

Gabriel 2/11

LA: 2 Haiku Poems, *Adverbs Test Corrections Due Wed.

Rdg: Ch. 4-6 Questions, *Quiz Wed. (Prologue-Ch. 6)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Mrs. Conley 2/8/08

repiratory system worksheet

Coppoletta 2/8

LA / ALA: Write 1 definition poem(with 10 definitions)

R: MM vocabulary

AR: Giver vocabulary

Gabriel 2/8

LA: 1 Def. Poem (10 lines)

Rdg: Tuck Vocab Ch. 4-6

Mesker, 2/8

LA/Per1- Write 1 definition poem with 10 lines
Reading/Per2- Chap 4-6 Vocab
Math/Per3- Circumference Handout
Math/per4- Worksheet Z
Resource/Per6&8- none
Roman Letter Mini Poster

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Coppoletta 2/7

LA / ALA: Write 2 couplet poems containing 3 pairs of couplets in each

R: Maniac Magee (MM) vocab due Monday

AR: The Giver utopia activity

Gabriel 2/7

LA: 2 Poems (3 couplets each)

Rdg: Tuck Vocab Ch. 1-3

Mrs. Conley 2/7/08


Casey, SS, 2/7

Roman Letter Mini Poster due Monday

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Gabriel 2/6

LA: 2 Diamante Poems

Rdg: Written Response (Tuck Everlasting)

Mrs. Conley 2/6/08

muscular system worksheet

Mesker, 2/6

LA/Per1- Write 2 diamante Poems
Reading/Per2- Tuck Pre-Reading Activity
Math/Per3- Recipe Handout
Math/per4- Worksheet X
Resource/per6&8- ISAT Math Short Response

Casey, SS, 2/6

Finish "Roman ABC" w.s.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Coppoletta 2/4

LA: Write 3 Clerihew Poems

R: None

ALA: Write 3 Clerihew Poems

R: None

Mesker, 2/4

LA/Per1- Write three Clerihew poems
Reading/Per2- 2nd R.C. book test due Wed.
Math/Per 3- Handout 2-sided, and quiz Wed
Math/Per4- Worksheet W or 7-2 practice (#16-30)
Resource/per6&8- none

Gabriel 2/4

LA: 3 Clerihew Poems Due Wed.

Rdg: AR Test #2 Due Wed.

Casey, SS, 2/4

Study for Ch. 9 Quiz (Weds)
Optional Extra Credit due Weds.